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"I just spoke to Robert and Maryse. They're being sent back to Idris," Jace announced as we joined Alec and Izzy. The rest of the way back to institute had just been a silent walk between them and when they had arrived at the institute all they really wanted to do was get as far away from each other as possible but the Lightwood family had other ideas about that.

"What?" Both Alec and Izzy asked shocked.

"Yeah," Tamsin nodded confirming that it was happening.

"Another "order" from Lydia?" Isabelle face turned up when she said the blonde girls name and Tamsin rolled her eyes feeling the mutual hatred towards the blonde.

"Who's Lydia?" Jace asked.

"She's the blonde bitch that runs the institute," Tamsin said with disgust.

"She's what?"

"Temporarily," Izzy added, "And now she's convinced the Clave that Mom and Dad aren't doing their job?"

"Well, maybe they aren't. The Institute was under their control when the Forsaken got in," Alec said but it was like something had changed in him
and  he had a very cold persona about him.

"What are you talking about?" Izzy and Jace asked confused in unison.

There was anger and betrayal in Alecs eyes as he informed them of the earlier news that Lydia had broken to him ,"Mom and Dad were members of the Circle."

Izzy gasped in disbelief ,"What? They don't have Circle runes. "

"That's because they made a deal with the Clave prior to the Uprising. In exchange for their cooperation, they were pardoned," Alec explained.

"You're questioning their loyalty?" Izzy was gobsmacked that her brother was even implying such things.

"Valentine is back. The Circle is rising," Alec stated ,"They're under suspicion."

Jace shook his head disagreeing with everything that His parabatai was suggesting ," No way. Robert and Maryse took me in. They raised me as one of their own. I know what kind of people they are."

"Are you sure? " Alecs eyebrows raised ,"They lied to us. For years, they've been telling us how to act. That we have to uphold the Lightwood name. Well, they're the ones who tarnished it. They're hypocrites."

Tamsin didn't really know what to say or do as she could understand all of their perspectives on the matter at hand.

Then came the unwelcomed entrance of Lydia ,"You must be Jace Wayland. I'm Lydia Branwell. You're quite the legend back in Idris."

"And here comes the wicked witch of the west," Tamsin muttered receiving a giggle from Izzy who covered it up by pretending to cough and a glare from the witch herself.

"Don't believe everything you hear.." Jace frowned at the clave envoy and he joined Tamsin and Izzy in there 'we hate Lydia' club.

"We have to stop Valentine," Alec said bringing everyone back to look at the bigger picture.

"Finally something we agree on," Jace commented and Tamsin punched his arm not seeing why he had to be so jerkish towards Alec. Yes they all had different opinions but Tamsin could see the reasoning behind everyones thoughts.

"I need a word with you, now." Robert Lightwood also came over to join the group but referred to wanting to have a private conversation with his son. Tamsin had a feeling it had something to do with her and Alecs engagement due to the look she was given from the elder Lightwood.

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