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They had all recently returned to the institute and were now gathered round one of the computer areas in complete and utter silence ~ none of them had said a word since Simon had been kidnapped by the vampires.

"So where is he? In some crypt in Transylvania or something?" Clary asked in her usual high pitched voice.

Tamsin rolled her eyes muttering to herself ,"That's literally the stupidest thing I have ever heard."

Although she had muttered it fairly quietly they all still heard what she said but got a slight smile from Alec and a glare from Clary in return for her comment.

"Those were Camilles clothes right?" Jace said ,"They're local vampires at the Hotel Dumort down at Gunservort Street."

"Well then what are we doing here? Why didn't we go there first? We have to go there right now," Clary exasperated.

"We'd need a clave resolution for that," Alec said clearly quite done with Clary and her problems.

"We can't declare war on the vamps by ourselves," Izzy backed up what Alec was saying.

"Also we can't react without knowing all of our options remember downworlders are slaves to their impulses," Alec added ,"We're not."

"Alec you can't jump on all the downworlders," Izzy playfully glared at her older brother.

"Oh thats right Seelies have there charms right?" He smirked at his younger sister.

"Right," Jace joined in smiling.

"Erm not to interrupt the sibling banter or anything but what exactly is a seelie?" Tammy piped up wearing a confused expression on her face.

"It's pretty much a catch-all term for the pixies , nixies , fair folk basically half angels half demons ," Jace informed her.

"Izzy can tell you all about them," Alec started up the lil sibling banter they had going on before again ,"she has a thing'."

"We've all got our things don't we Alec?" Izzy shot back with the same grin on her face and Tamsin couldn't help but chuckle at the sibling love.

"Okay I can't listen to this anymore," Clary snapped ,"Simons been kidnapped by vampires and I guess i'll just find him myself."
Clary started to walk off from the group in a huff.

"Such a drama queen gosh," Tammy said ,"she legit has no chill."

"Clary stop you're going to get yourself killed ," Jace warned as he followed after Clary who still wouldn't stop walking away ,"not just you but Simon too."

Clary halted and turned back around ,"Then help me. Whilst we're here considering our options my best friend is suffering."

"Not being rude or anything but I think you'll find he's actually my best friend not yours just saying ," Tammy interrupted with her hands in the air as a sign of not meaning any harm but it was obvious it was a sarcastic gesture.

"Your not being serious are you?" Clary scoffed ,"You call him your best friend yet you don't even seem bothered about trying to save him."

Tamsin was just done with Clary she was just so done , she went over to Clary and grabbed her by the arm  ,"Okay you listen red ,Simon means so much to me he's the closest thing to family that I have so don't you dare say that i'm not bothered about saving him i'm just trying to think logically about getting him back safely instead of just marching into the vampires lair all guns blazing with no plan whatsoever like you're so elegantly trying to do so and have it resort in peoples' death okay so why don't you stop being such an over dramatic priss and shut the hell up and listen to the planning."

Clary yanked her arm out of Tamsins death grip and glared at her not saying anything.
Jace stood between the two girls to make sure neither one would suddenly attack the other ,"Clary's right the vamps made the first move by kidnapping the mundane which is breaking the accords so we'll sort this ourselves by going there right now."

Both Alec and Tamsin looked at the blonde in disbelief ,"This is a bad idea," they both said and awkwardly looked at each other when they realised how in sync they just spoke.

"Well have either of you got a better one?" Jace asked but neither of them said anything and just glared at him ,"Didn't think so , come on." Izzy agreed to this plan as well.

"Even if we go ahead with this deluded plan of yours how are we supposed to get out of here without being asked what we're doing and where we're going?" Alec retaliated ,"Besides we need weapons we can't exactly take them without anyone questioning us."

"I agree with Alec we should rethink this before we just go off ," Tammy said looking up at Alec who had now appeared beside her.

"I know exactly where we can get what we need," Jace said before he walked out expecting the rest to follow him and Clary and Isabelle did straight away but Alec and Tamsin had a similar reaction where they just trudged along behind the others still in disbelief at how messed up this plan was and how much trouble they would undoubtedly get into.

Authors note: hey sorry this is only a short chapter and its unedited guys but I really wanted to update so yeyah. There should hopefully be another chapter up shortly as well :)
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