Chapter 19: Clear

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Jackson woke up bright this morning and left to go to work. I woke up and showered, then I got dressed. I brushed my teeth and put a little bit of makeup on.

I ran a hand through my hair and left it like that. Then I put on some flats and went downstairs.

"Hey dad,'' I said. He nodded in response, I knew he was still mad at me.

"I want to talk to you," he said. I nodded and sat on the couch.

"I called up the doctor and they said you had two miscarriages before," he said.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Who was the father? You told me Jackson was your first? Were you lying to me girl?!", he asked angrily.

"No dad. Jackson and I were intimate before this and I ended up getting pregnant," I said. He looked even more angry.

"How old were you?", he asked.

"I was 14 the second time and 12 the first time," I said, nervously.

"You were having sex at 12?", he asked.

"Jackson was older at the time and he wanted to have sex," I said, shrugging.

"So he pressured you?", my dad asked. I wanted to tell him yes, but I knew that would make him mad at him even more. I know Jackson was a dick back then, but he changed.

"No he didn't pressure me at all," I said.

"You have your mother's blood running in you," he said.

"What's that supposed to mean?", I asked.

"Your mother was a promiscuous whore and so are you," he said.

''I'm not a whore," I said.

"Keep telling yourself that, maybe one day you'll actually believe it," he said.

I just shook my head and walked out the house.

I made it to school and saw Engrid, Jaia, and Dona.

"Why are you over here?", I asked Engrid.

"Because I can be here if I want to," she said.

"What's going on?", Jaia asked.

"Engrid slept with Nazar. I walked in on them having sex," I said.

"Wow. That was a low move Engrid. I knew you were a jealous bitch, but I didn't think you would stoop so low," Dona told her.

"C'mon chica, let's get away from the scum," Jaia said.

"Well at least I'm not pregnant at 15," Engrid yelled loud. I saw the whole school look our way.

"That's right she's fucking pregnant and the baby is for Jackson!", Engrid yelled.

I rolled my eyes and we continued walking.

''So how are things going with you and Jackson?", Jaia asked.

"It's good, but he wants to have sex. I don't know if I'm ready to be intimate with him again," I said.

"If you don't want to then don't do it, don't let him pressure you," Dona said.

"I know, but I don't want him to stray away," I said.

"If he does that then he's a dick and you don't need him,'' Jaia said.

"I kind of do. My dad expects us to pay rent and pay bills and stuff. You know why I can't work," I said.

"I would offer you to live with me, but my cousins just escaped from Mexico," Dona said.

"Oh they finally got across the border?", I asked.

"Yeah, we're hoping to get their citizenships so they won't be illegal," Dona said.

"Well that's good and tell them I said hi," I said.

"I would let you live with me chica, but you already know how it is,'' Jaia said. Jaia's father was really abusive and he always beated her mother.

"It's cool you guys. I know that if you could help you would," I said.

"We can give you some money," Dona offered.

"No it's fine," I said. The bell rung and we parted to go off to our classes.

*After School*

I made it home and saw Jackson's car outside. I had made my decision, I was going to sleep with him. He was trying really hard and taking care of the baby and I, so he deserved a little something.

I walked in and saw Jackson sitting on the couch.

"My dad's not here?", I asked. He shook his head. I went over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.

I felt someone grip my shoulder and I turned around.

"What do you want Jackson?", I asked.

"I want to know why everyone knows I got you knocked up," he said angry.

"Engrid got mad at me and went to tell everyone," I said, softly. He growled loudly and ran a hand through his hair.

"I didn't want people to fucking know that," he growled.

"I didn't think it would matter," I said.

"Of course you didn't think it would matter. You never fucking think Fae. Do you know what's going to happen if my job finds out? I'm going to be fucking fired for sleeping with a minor and on top of that I will most likely get arrested!", he yelled.

"We're mates," I said.

"You really think they give a fuck about that. Your so fucking naive," he said.

"Your being mean," I said.

"I'm not being mean. I'm being truthful. Ever since I claimed your ass, my life has changed for the worst. I'm living here with your fucking dad, I have to work two fucking jobs and constantly be tired, and worst of all I barely have time for school or anything I want to do!", he yelled.

"I didn't ask for any of this," I said.

"You're right, we didn't. We have so much life ahead of us Fae. Why don't we just go to the doctor and you can get an abortion," Jackson said.

"No!," I yelled.

"What do you mean no? Your being selfish," Jackson said.

"I'm not you are. This baby is innocent and it did nothing wrong. I'm keeping it and nothing you say will make me change that decision," I said.

"I'm leaving. I can't do this anymore," Jackson said.

"Go. I'm use to you doing this. You always leave me,'' I said.

"I'm sorry Fae," Jackson said. I felt tears threatening to come out, but I pushed them back.

He looked at me one more time before he left.

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