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"Calm ya nerves uncle Gio is here for ya girl." Gio rubbed my back. "Gio, I can't do this. I love him so much why would he do that? Am I not enough?"

"Shan cut it out right there you know damn well you all that and a can of pig feet so don't even talk about your self like that! Did you talk to him?"

I shook my head. "No I haven't talked to him since, I don't want to. I don't even wanna hear about him and another girl, I'll literally puke Gio"

"Shan you ain't even let him explain!? Girl call him now forreal, atleast hear him out, I know you hurtin but you could be wrong, I mean it's highly unlikely because you found some panties in his car but you never know."

I really don't think I could stomach him actually telling me he cheated on me and especially if it was with Nikki. "I don't know Gio. Not right now, this shit about Sunny is really fucking with my mind. I can't believe she's gone." I sat up in my bed and grabbed my phone off my dresser. It's been two days and I still refuse to talk to him. Not because I'm being ignorant I just don't know if I can handle him telling me that, on top of me being stressed about Sunny and still being weak as hell, it's just too much.

"Ugh my fuckin heart hurts more than my body."

"Talk to him Shan." I shook my head. "Nope, his grandma coming to see me later too, Imma tell her about her foul ass grandson." I eased out of my bed and walked to the my closet. My ribs are still sore as hell even though the bruising was gone.

"Karma." I said simply.

"You got that right. Are you gonna tell me what happened?"

I sighed, my stomach got uneasy just thinking about it again. I barely remember what happened and I thought that was a good thing until my memory started coming back more each day. "Gio.. all I remember is getting a call and going up to 304, when I got there, I knocked a woman's voice told me it was open, when I walked in.. I saw-I saw the mom laid out on the floor bleeding.. the mom that just called me ten minutes ago, laying on the floor bleeding from her head. I remember I immediately went to turn around and get the hell out of there but when I turned around, I fucking froze. Literally Gio, like you know when we watching scary movies, and the person will see something and freeze, and we just yell at TV like 'RUN STUPID!".. that's exactly how I felt. Everything in me was telling me to fight or flight but it was like my mind and body weren't even connected, my body wouldn't move it was like instantly the years and years of fear hit me like a truck. Gio I thought I'd never see that man again, and it was like even though I knew these last few months it was a possibility I'd see him, it wasn't real until he was in front of my face... some of its still a blur but I remember him yelling and fighting like, he was fighting himself more than he was fighting me. All I had to defend myself was the syringe from Dr. Zelfro and it ended up in my arm. I remember him snatching it out almost instantly though, it was so fucking weird Gio. After that all I remember is fighting Michele off trying to leave and hearing Michael in the background freaking out, I don't even remember when Jace got there" I took a deep breath to keep myself from freaking out again. He was about to speak until my doorbell rang. "Damn, she here already? Can you get that? Tell her I'll be down in a minute." He nodded and got up and strutted downstairs. I slid on my slides and went downstairs to a big surprise.

Kia standing in the doorway. "Umm." I tried to talk to her a few times but she ignored my calls so I just gave up, eventually. Gio hugged her. "Imma let y'all talk." He winked at me and smacked my butt. "Be nice." He said more-so to me before he jogged up the steps back to my room. "Uhh, Kia...wassup?" I went to the kitchen. She came in and sat her purse down before she sat at the breakfast bar.

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