Michael Banks

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"You know what your supposed to do right Michele my precious?" Sunny nodded her heavy head slowly.She had been awake for almost 50 hours straight listening to Michael's voice directly in her ears. Non Stop. Calling her Michele so much she was starting to believe that was her name. The tears stopped after day 2 when she realized there was nothing she could do. She was hopeless. The only thing going through her mind was 'Why?'. She knew Michael had severe Multiple Personality Disorder from what Shanny told her throughout the years and by severe, she meant severe. Most people with M.P.D just have slight mix ups in who their talking to or just simply have alter-ego's and different personalities, But Michael, Michael has always been strange. As a child, He wasn't as bad but he did strange things, such as taking barbie heads off and forcing them to to the bodies of Ninja Turtles, scrapping the walls with his finger tips until they bled and his classmates were freaked out by his quick temper, Michael would be fine and dandy, playing just like any other kid then he would freak out and go ape shit! Yelling! Kicking! Fighting! Attacking people, Biting! Cursing the whole nine yards. The kicker is, when he finished these tantrums, he would blame it on someone named 'Sam'..Every single time, "Sam did it" Like it never happened. His mother first thought he was bipolar, but after hearing him in his room yelling at somebody named 'Sam' every night and hearing thumps and sounds of things breaking, And in the morning there being bruises on his body as if he'd been in a fight, she took it more serious and finally took Michael to the doctor.

Dr. Sean Zelfro, the first doctor to come in contact with Michael Banks. The doctor who diagnosed young Michael with Multiple Personality Disorder. The doctor who ordered Michael to see a therapist everyday. The therapy sessions only lasted 2 months before Dr. Langston got too creeped out and quit. Therapy sessions are supposed to be strictly confidential, between only the patient and the doctor, but by law, Dr. Langston was required to report the violent and vile and graphic things Michael was telling her that 'Sam' did. Michael talked about how he imagines himself killing his mother every night, How 'Sam' killed the neighbors dog (Which after investigation, was true. The neighbor confirmed that her dog had been missing for a week.) This was no confession since he kept referring to 'Sam' as who did it, but the dog was found buried on Michael and his mom's property. After this Michael's mother agreed with Dr. Zelfro, Dr. Langston and the state of Georgia that Michael needed to be confined and sent away to get help. Michael was livid, the night before, Michael's mother, who was in her room with her door locked as usual when it was time for her to go to sleep, could hear him in his room arguing with himself, she brushed it off because it was becoming an everyday thing until she heard "Lets kill her" in a slight whisper. She panicked. She reached for the house phone she kept in her room but it was gone.. "Michael baby.." She said crying. "Are you ok?"

"Mommy open the door. I have to show you something.. I drew you a picture." She shook her head and wiped her tears. "Michael get away from my door." A thump caught her attention. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" he was ramming the wooden door with a metal baseball bat. As he was doing this he was screaming 'Stop it Sam! Do it Mike! Stop it Sam! Do it MIKE! SAM I'M GONNA KILL HER' His mother was scared and confused, she knew it was one person behind that door and it was her devil of a son. As the worn out wooden door started caving in she wanted to take action. She knew she couldn't fight him, He was 10 yet bigger and stronger than her. Once she saw the door fly open and Michael standing there with a knife and the bat, she panicked and ran to the window. "Do it!" He laughed hysterically. "Come on do it! I wanna watch to Sam!" She looked at her son with pleading eyes, Why did he hate her so much? "I love you Michael." He stopped his laughing and dropped his weapons. "I love you to mommy, I'm sorry." He looked down. "Come here baby, it's ok, you just scare me sometimes!" He walked to her where she was sitting in the window seal. As soon as she pulled him into a hug, he pushed her.

'Psychotic Child murders his mother and Laughs about it!'

The headline was everywhere in the small town of Adrian,Georgia,(Population 800) and it only gave Michael satisfaction. Michael pleaded insanity and was sentenced to 15 years in a mental institution for those mentally ill that commit severe crimes, the institution was all the way in Romania. Michael vowed to himself when he got out, he would leave his past in Adrian and never return again.

15 years later

Michael Banks was let out of the hell on earth institution and on a plane to Illinois, where he choose to start his new life. There, he met his soon to be wife, Monica Smith and her son Aaron. The two fell in love almost instantly. Monica was unaware of his background but due to his behavior she assumed he had been in prison recently because he was so out of the loop and he was fond of small places and his food choices was crazy! Everything he ate he smashed up to mush. Monica was pregnant and the two got married just two years after they met, Monica choose to change Aaron's last name to Banks when they got married as well because he was so young and didn't want him to be the odd ball.

5 months after the small wedding at a local church, Shantel Janae Banks was born and that's when the stress became unbearable. Michael wasn't working and Monica was on maternity leave. Michael couldn't get a job because of his past but he refused to tell Monica that. Monica's small pay from her maternity leave wasn't cutting anything, barely paying for baby Shanny's diapers and formula let alone Michael's new found heroin addiction.

8 Years later, the couple both strung out on heroin, was forced to move out of Monica's nice condo of 10 years, to a section 8 apartment in south side, Chicago. Shanny, now 8 years old, and Aaron, now 11 both dealt with the verbal abuse from Michael and Monica, Aaron hated Michael with a passion for turning his mother out like that and making them poor and making them have to move out of their house they shared since he was born. He always made sure his baby sister was safe, he knew something about Michael was off and he was determined to find out what it was. He knew Michael was strange but when the drug use started it got worst, and he got violent. This was his Multiple Personality Disorder slowly creeping back up on him.

Michael started having an affair with a woman named Linda, he was strangely fond of her daughter, Michele. Michele was 12 and obeyed everything Michael said which drew him to her even more. He wished his own daughter was that obedient. He began staying over there more than with his own family and this infuriated Monica. Michele was perfect in Michael's eyes and he knew she was to young for him..but she wasn't to young for Sam. Michael looked in the Mirror at himself, at the thinning going on on top of his head because of the drug use, at the scars on his arms from the needles, at his super thin figure and premature wrinkles all over his face and skin. At only 33, he looked horrible. "Sam. Where are you.." He said looking in the mirror.

Just a little background and peek on Michael. ;)

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