Chapter 30

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 *Adriana's POV* 

I was laying down with Ben when he gets a phone call. "It's Jaime" he wispers. I honestly had no Idea why he wispered but I loved it. Wait.. Did I just say I love when he does that? I don't love him do I..? I can't. I've known him for like a year now but I can't love him. Can I? 

It's scary to even think about it. Loving someone. I think the question is.. Does he love me...? He was talking on the phone while stroking my hair and I was falling asleep when he got up

*Fernanda's POV* 


"What is it this time Fernanda?"

"I'm hungry, and horny. Get me chocolate?!" Yeah. You guessed it. She's on her period. Some girls act normal when there on their period but Fernanda acts high! I mean the doctor checked her and she's clean so... I don't understand girls most of the time.

"I'll go see what they got in the kitchen okay? Stay. Here."

"Well hurry the fuck up."

"Alright alright damn!"



Okay I feel like shit right now I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I know I know shit chapter too but wattpad is now blacked in my school and I've been really busy with school and stuff and I'm sorry guys :c Next chapter will be long I promise!! <3

Don't hate me please.

-Adriana Turtlee :*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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