Chapter 27

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A/N Update <3

I hate making you guys wait ;-;

-Adriana Turtlee: *


*Adriana's POV*

I walk into the hotel room to find no one.. Wait what? I take off my shoes and walk deeper..

"Ben? Danny? James? Sam? Cameron?" No answer. Where did everyone go? "Oh well." I turned back around. Walking into Ben's room I see a red rose on the bed. With a note. Awwee! I walk up to the bed and look at the note.

"A red rose for a beautiful lady." It read. But I didn't say anything.. I turn around and see Ben standing there with a tux on. Damn did he look fine.

"Ben this is so cute."

"Babe you haven't even seen the rest of it. I'm taking my lady on a date. Our first date." I couldn't help but smile. He's so adorable.

"Put this on. I'll be waiting." From behind him he took out a red dress that was short in the front but went all the way down to my feet in the back. It was beautiful.

"Ben this is beautiful..."

"Your beautiful babe."

"How did you know my size..?"

"How could I not?" He said with a smirk on his lips.

"Give me an hour." I said as I grabbed the dress and walked into the bathroom where I would get ready. I hope this day goes well.

*Fernanda's POV*

I was just eating lunch when I hear whispering from Mr.Kyle. I tried to

get closer but if I did I would get caught. So I covered my food and brought it back where it goes. On my way back I walked slowly while I heard his conversation on the phone.

"What no they cant do that!"

"What do you mean he's leaving tomorrow?"

"How can these people do that!"

"It never happened before?!"

"Fine. I'll tell him myself."

(All these are Mr.Kyle talking btw.)

Someone's leaving? Who could it be? I walked, no scratch that RAN to my seat to see who Mr.Kyle was going to tell is leaving tomorrow. He look pretty mad. I noticed he was walking up to Andy. Andy's leaving me?! Noo! I saw how Andy got up and moved to a different seat while Mr.Kyle sat down and started talking to Jack. Oh Jack's the one who's leaving. Ah fuck how did this happen?! Then it hit me.



A/N I'm the worst person. I keep putting up short updates. I'm so sorry guys. I love all of you. I'm so sorry. School is starting up soon so I will be updating more LONG chapters.

Again I love all of you <3

- Adriana Turtlee:*

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