Chapter 15

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A/N I FUCKING FINALLY GOT MY TABLET BACK. So I will be updating even more now

yay \(^.^)/

- Adriana Turtlee :*


*Theresa's POV*

Ugh I really hate the fact that I have to take the freaking bus to get to my place. NOT. I live in the hotel close to it so I'm alright. Yes I live in a hotel. Fuck you.

"Theresa that you?"


"Oh okay." My roommate is a dumbass I swear. I walk into my room, take a shower, change and lay down in my bed. I take my phone charger and start charging my phone and I see a text message from some number I didn't reconise.. 

*Ey yo it's Tony C:* 

"Hey Tony :)"

*Do you wan't to hang out sometime? Like tomorrow after you get out of work?*

"Sure. Pick me up at the turtle place. Betta not be anything fancy."

*Don't worry I got you bby:* Night beauitful.*

"Night Tony." That night, was the first night I feel asleep with a smile on my face.. 

*Adriana's POV*

I only drank one beer I swear, but it's the fact that the cancer just got out of my body I feel drunk... Haha not I'm high as fuck.. 

"Benny. Guess what I want to play. I wanna play truth or dare!"

"Okay Danny you up to it?" Ben said.

"Hell yea I call going first! Wait. Ya'lls both single right?" Oh Danny.. Wait am I? I have no idea.. Nope.

"Danny you know I'm not your my best friend!" Ben.. Damn his british accent..

"No Danny I'm not."

"Okay well I dare you Ben to fuck Adriana so hard she won't be able to walk tomorrow! Okay? Okay goodnight." 


*Gabby's POV* 

I was sitting on my bed, looking at the wall. I can't believe this is happening to me. I just.. Why.. I get up and ask if I can use the bathroom. They open it up and I lock myself in there. What's going on with me. I have never wanted to cut myself so bad.. This is going to help me. Gabby calm down.. You know you can.. You have done it for a while now.. Come on.. Breath.. I wash my face with some water and look myself in the mirror. Why the hell did they have to take my bra?! Do they really think people are going to cut, wait they are smart.. 

"Gabby honey there is someone that is going to be sharing a room with you.. Do you want to come out and meet him?" It's a him?! 

"Yea sure I'm comming!" I walk out and see no one other than Jack. Wait Jack.. JAKC BARAKAT?!

"Jack what the hell are you doing here?! You aren't suppose to be here!"

"You arn't either!"

"I see you two know each other. I'll leave now." 

"Jack tell me why the hell are you in here. Your not suppose to be here! Not you! Your Jack fucking Barakat for jesus crist! You save people's lives! Come on Jack tell me! I just.. I can't believe your in here Jack!"

"Shh chill Gabby. I'm in here because I started cutting okay? I'm sorry!" Jack has been cutting..

"Why.. Tell me why you've been cutting. Your suppose to make other people stop but ugh Jack just tell me why!"

"I... I can't.."



"Jack you know you can trust me.."

"It's because I love you okay?! I fucking love you Gabby! You don't even understand how much I love you! I would kill myself for you! I would take a bullet for you!"

"Wait what?"

"I love you Gabby. I Jack Bassam Barakat love you."


A/N Blahh I can't handle the painnn. So much drama! Haha well Turns out I won't kill myself... Thanks to my babe Gabby <3 

- Adriana Turtlee :*

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