Chapter 13

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A/N Hai. Welcome to chapter 13

I'm sorry for being such a depressed bitch right now. I'm just stating how I feel. Love you guys thanks for making me smile. I love the fact that I have so many people reading it

- Adriana Turtlee :* 


*Gabby's POV* 

Why the hell do my parents have me in this place? I'm not fucking crazy! Just because I tried killing myself.. I hope they give me the same room as last time.. Let me tell you a little about myself. 

My name is Gabby, All Time Low is my favorite band, I really love Metal music. I'm probably adverage height. You know! I'm 19 years old and I want to move out but my parents are assholes that waste the money on alcohol and drugs! I pay for the bills, I pay for the gas, the food, every freaking thing! I feel my phone vibrating in my back pocket. 

"Hello?" (''This will be Gabby"- *This will be Vic* ^This will be Jack^) 

*Hey Gabby whats up?!* 

"Nothing much waiting to get into the hospital.." 


"Wait Jack's there?! Vic! What the hell!" 

*I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll take you off speaker...* 

"Vic you had me on speaker?! You know I don't want Jack to know! You know I have a crush on him asshole!"

*Dude I know I'm sorry I didn't think you would say that! I'm sorry!*

^Vic what's going on? Why is gabby going to the hospital? What happened?!^ I hear jack in the back..Shit Shit shit..

*Nothing Jack forget about it..*

^Your lying. Give me the phone.^ Next thing you know I hear noises and the line goes dead. 

*Vic's POV* 

"Jack why the hell did you do that? I was talking to Gabby!" Shit he better not ask about what she was talking about.. Gabby doesn't want Jack to know, I understand her feelings and it is hard because I remember when I used to do that... I know we would have to tell him eventually.. 

"Gabby! Has she been cutting?! Why Vic! Why haven't you told me!" He was yelling now, his sweater that had 'boner' with a big red sign, he was pulling the sleeves down even lower so now his hands are covered! Wait... 

"Okay Jack I'm sorry. But can I ask you something? Why are you wearing that sweater?" I could tell I hit the spot..

"What do you mean?" He pulled them even more if its possible.. 

"Pull them up.."



"Fine!" He pulls them up and all my eyes see are scars... Jack has been cutting?! WHAT?! Next thing you know his maneger walks in.. 


*Tony's POV* 

I was laying down with Adriana on her hospital bed when the docter comes in with a smile. 

"What is it doc? Is it something good?!" 

'Well Adriana, you must know.. The cancer in your lungs is gone! We got it out! Congrats! This your boyfriend?" He said pointing to me. I couldn't do anything but smile, my girlfriend is cancer free?! Holy shit this is just perfect! She can go on tour with me and oh my fucking god! 


A/N Yay Adriana is cancer free <3 Ben and Danny will come back into the story don't worry <3 

- Adriana Turtlee:*

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