Chapter 8

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*Fernanda's POV* 

I got out of the washroom and bumbed into no one othe than.... Kathy. Wait Kathy?! 

"Oh I'm so sorry." She said, she sounded half alseep.



"Open your eyes. Remember me?" She rubbed her eyes and opened them up after yawning. When she opened her eyes she saw me. Her eyes widened and then she hugged me so tight I stopped breathing. 

"Kathy... Can't breath.." 

"Oh sorry!" 

After that she took me into the kitchen and that's where I burst out crying.

"Kathy... I just lost my virginity to Jaime.. I don't know what got in me. I mean he doesn't even like me! I serouisly feel like shit. I should have stopped him, but I didn't. I'm so scared he's going to tell the guys. We promised we wouldn't tell anyone but he trusts them. With like everything. Kathy I don't know what to do anymore." 

"Wow... I mean you know how me and Vic are together right? That's kind of how me and him met. It was at a party, we were drunk, we had sex, and we both lost our virginitys that night. After that he asked me to be his girlfriend and now, we've been together for three years now. Don't beat yourself up for it.  He probably does like you." After she said that I heard a cough behind me. I turned around in shock and saw no one other than my big brother Mike Fuentes. 

"Tsk tsk tsk. Looks like my little sister had sex for the first time. Wait until I tell Vic. He will freak." 

*Andy's POV* 

"Yea sure come in!" I turn around and see this nurse come in. 

"Hello Andrew, I'm Molly. I will be your nurse long with Fernanda. Don't worry I'm not as bad as the others."  She seemed nice. Sure, she kind of looks evil, I think its jsut the uniform, but her voice sounded sweet. She was a short woman, probably 5.2 - 5.3, she had long black hair, freckles on her flawless face, if she wasn't working here I would totally do her. 

"Okay. Fernanda's still not here though. Do you know when she will be here?" 

"Already hitting on her no? Well her family called in and said they would bring her as soon as possible. She's already out of the hospital, but she still needs to say bye to her family and pack. It's hard saying bye to such famous people." She sits down right next to me and continues. "You a fan of metal?" I nod. 

"Well turns out she is the younger sister of Mike and Victor Fuentes! RIght now she is saying bye to the bands All Time Low, Pierce The Veil, Asking Alexandria, Paramore... Yea thats it I think. Well, I'm going to get some lunch for you. Pizza work?" I nodded. "Alright I'll order some. She's probably on her way." 

Oh my fucking god. She knows THE DANNY FUCKING WORSHNOP. HOLY SHIT.  

I sat down and imagine meeting my hereo. Nah she will probably be some snobby bitch that won't let me even talk to her. Lets hope...

*Vic's POV* 

I woke up to Mike jumping on my bed. 

"What the fuck do you want Mike!"

"Guess who just banged one of your best friends?!"



I was still half asleep so I couldn't understand what he was telling me. Fernanda fucked my bestfriend? Kellin?! 

"Wait isn't Kellin married?!" 

"What the fuck Vic! Kellin is single!" 

"Then why did Fernanda fuck him?"

"You sure your awake?" I shook my head no. He got up and went into the bathroom. He came back with a towel in his hands, it looked wet.

"Here this will help you." He put the towel in my face and it was freaking cold! But it still didn't wake me up. 

"Mike that isn't going to work.." Before I could continue he put it down my underwear! 


"Okay good. Now, you will freak once you find out. Fernanda lost her V-Card last night. To no one other than Jaime." 


"How are you not mad?!"

"Their both obvouisly in love. So let them be them and have sex."

"Your crazy. Imma go out with Ashley. We're going to the bar. Bye."

"Wait don't forget to say bye to Fernanda! I'm taking her to the rehab center today!"

"Alright Bye!" Damn that Mexican has to calm his dick. He's  freaking out for no reason. I mean yea she just lost her virginity but its to the guy she's in love with. I see no problem in this situation. I got up and changed into some skinny jeans and Jaime's Mexico shirt. I walked down and saw Kathy.

"Good morning Babe." I hugged her from behind, and from the corner of my eye I saw her smiling and Fernanda looking at us in awe. I kissed her and started making some eggs. 

"Okay ladies, we are going to eat. Then we are taking Fernanda to the rehab center. Fernanda, I know you don't want to go but.." I turn around to look at her and only to see Kathy. With a sad smile on her beautiful face. "Where did she go?" She pointed to the stairs and thats when my brother senses came to mind. I dropped the eggs and ran. I ran up the stairs, I ran in every single room. Where did she go?! I turned around and noticed that the bathroom door was closed.  She can't be in there. 

I Thought This Was Rehab, Not Paradise...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ