Chapter 29

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-Adriana Turtlee:*


*Tony's POV*

After talking with Fernanda for a long time it was my time to go. I wanted to talk to her more but I couldn't. She cried a lot but that was okay. I knew she missed me. I'm her best friend. How can she not?

"Fer I have to go on my date now."

"Oh yeah I totally understand have fun and use protention BFF!" I hugged her while chuckling.

"I'll try." I winked at her and left the hospital. I walked into my car and looked at the time. Perfect. I drove to a flower shop close to where T works and got a single rose for her. Cheesy I know. I walked into her work place thingy and asked for her.

"Oh let me just go get her I think she's in the back." The guy went to the back yelling "Aye yo Theresa there's this tattoo'd guy looking for you!! And oh, your work hours are done Jessie is on his way don't worry!" I heard her tell him to 'fuck off' and that 'I'll be there in 5.' And the young dude came back and told me 'she's coming.'

*Fernanda's POV*

Wow I thought it was amazing that Tony decided to visit me and tell me everything. I really do miss the outside world.. I walked back into my room and lay on my bed. Wow I really do not like being here. Ugh.



"We need to get out of here. I'm starting to really hate this place.."

"Ight. But what are you thinking?"

"Well I mean I don't know.."

"Then how will we leave?"

"I don't know Andy.. Help?"

"Anything for you Fernanda!" We sat there just thinking, and the only thing that was on my mind was.. Why has Tony been the only one who has visited me at the hospital..?

*Jaime's POV*

Why can't I grow the balls to tell her how I feel? She's probably with that Andy guy right now. He probably already made a move on her and now they're together.. Why did I have to have sex with her? I wasn't thinking.. All I could think about was how much I like her.. I feel like such a fucking girl right now just thinking about all this shit. Let's call Ben. Even if we rarely talk he's the man to go to for chick advice.



"Ello?" Ben's British accent passed through my speaker phone.

"Ben my man! What's up? You busy?"

"Oh hi Jaime I'm just chilling with Adriana.. No not busy. Why?"

"Ohhhhhh I see you finally got the girl you wanted!! Nice job bro!!"

"Why thank you my good man." I heard him kiss Adriana on the forehead.

"Well I really need some girl help.."

"Ohhh girls! Hold on." I heard him saying something to Adriana. What would they be talking about? "Okay man what do you want to know?




- Adriana Turtlee :*

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