Chapter 24

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A/N New chapter<3

Just wanted to say thank you to all my readers. I love you guys <3 And I'm going to be leaving to mexico in like 20 hours. Lmfao. And well my grandma lives in a ranch and that's where I'm going. I'm still going to be writing but I'll probably update when my family and I stop at MickyD's or somewhere with internet. Yes we are driving.

Just want to keep you guys updated with my oh so wonderful life.

Thanks again guys.

-Adriana Turtlee:*


*Theresa's POV*

I was walking to the little coffee shop when I saw Tony inside. I started going a little faster but then I noticed he was talking to some other girl. I know I wasn't suppose to be jealous but.. I mean their hugging and looking into each others eyes. It hurt. Whatever we have doesn't mean anything to him.

I didn't want to walk inside but my gut told me 'Now Or Never.' I walked in and didn't even look at him at first. I ordered my coffee and paid for it. I was about to walk out safely, but I heard a voice not even Jesus would confuse with anyone else.

"Theresa!!" I turn around and put on a fake smile. I didn't want to make their little 'date' uncomfortable.

"Yes Antonio?" I saw in his eyes how he didn't like that. Damn stupid word vomit.

"Um okay. This is Adriana, Adriana this is my friend Theresa."

"Oh hello Theresa I've heard so much about you! Your a lucky lady. It seems like he's already planning the wedding!" She hugged me but I didn't hug back and she noticed the tension. " Uh um I'll leave now. Ben is making breakfast and I can't make him wait! I'll talk to you later Tony." She kissed his cheek. Slut. "Bye Theresa!"

"Theresa sit down with me yeah?" Oh Tony...

"No thanks. I don't want slut to stick on me." Oops.

I got up and left. I can't deal with this right now.

*Tony's POV*

I was talking to Adriana about Theresa when I saw her walking out. No don't leave! I called out her name and somehow she didn't hear me. I called her again and she turned around with a huge fake smile.. "Yes Antonio?" Damn my whole name? What did I do?

She talked to Adriana and well she had to go because Ben was waiting for her. I asked her to sit with me but she said Adriana was a slut and left. Again, what did I do? I mean it wasn't like I was making out with Adriana or was cheating on Theresa.. Maybe she just needed her coffee. I'll find out later.

*Gabby's POV*

"Jack do you understand my plan?" It was long I understood that but he has to understand we have to get out of here!

"Uh kind of. Okay so you show them the pin we found in my sweatshirt but your going to say that you found it inside the bag when they brought you, your washed clothing so they can give you maximum points! And I call Vic to bail me out. Good plan. I like it!!" He smiled.

I just wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't, he isn't mine. He will never be mine.

"Gab Gab you okay?" I didn't notice I was crying until Jack tried drying my eyes.

"Oh yeah perfectly fine." I noticed he saw right through my fake smile. Shit.

"Don't be scared Gab Gab, we can do this. I promise you babe." I saw how he noticed he just called me babe. It wasn't like it was the first time but this time its different.

Everything is going to be different once we get out of here.

*Fernanda's POV*

Gabby and Jack are going to leave me here?! I guess that's okay I mean I can plan something with Andy. He just has to get out of the panic room. Why the fuck did he grab my boob when we were just talking about the no touching rule?!

We will get out of here. This place is growing on me and I hate it.


A/N On update on everything I guess. C:

I love you guys you are all in my heart <3

-Adriana Turtlee:*

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