The Quarterback's Gigolo [boyxboy] [18]

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Jack P.O.V



I drove towards Reed’s house, when I heard he and Gemma had broken up I knew I had to go see him. I had to apologise for last night I had to... I don’t know but I needed to see him. I parked outside his house, I couldn’t see his car anywhere but I rang the doorbell anyway. I waited for about 12secs before the door opened. Kat stood there looking like the feminine version of Reed.

She was beautiful they had the same eyes; eyes that I thought were very pretty. But somehow on Reed’s face they seemed to shine brighter and look bluer. She placed a hand on her hip and looked at me in confusion.

“Gemma’s not here” she said her lip curling as she said my sister’s name. I glared at her; my sister had never done anything to Kat.

“I know, I’m here to see Reed”

“Reed’s not here and I don’t know when he’ll be back”

She shifted and I noticed a suitcase and a duffel bag waiting by the door, I looked up at her and frowned, Reed better not be planning on going anywhere. I felt the feeling of possession creep over me, Reed was supposed to tell me if he was going somewhere. Urgh I’m such a loser. I looked back into her eyes; she was watching me like a hawk.

“Where are you guys going?” I asked nodding towards the suitcases.

“Nowhere, I’m just going back to university”

“Oh... well don’t tell Reed I came by please. And erm, good luck with uni and that, it was nice meeting you” her face softened and she uncrossed her arms

“It was nice meeting you too Jack, and don’t worry I won’t tell Reed if you don’t want me too”

I nodded and walked back to my car, I got in and started driving, I didn’t really have a destination but I suddenly found myself pulling up outside Ben’s house. I sighed; he had to have known this was coming, sleeping around with my little sister. He could get done for statutory rape him being 18 and her being 16, even though she was nearly 17.

I got out my car and leant against it looking over the quiet beige house. How many nights had I passed out and woken up in his living room? How many Playstation tournaments had me him and Liam played in this house? How many memories had been made in this house? The first sleepover I ever went to. The first real fight Liam had got into. First kiss Ben had ever had.

I balled my hands into fists and in those memories was Gemma my LITTLE sister, Ben had crossed the line. He was my friend, he wasn’t supposed to hook up with my sister, and he wasn’t supposed to take her virginity. He didn’t even love her; he was digging that sophomore chick. I should have known since he told me that, that he had no morals.

But I couldn’t preach about morals, I was making out with my little sister’s boyfriend behind her back, for weeks now. But now she and Reed had broken up Reed could just be my... gigolo. I get to kiss him and he gets the perks of being my friend. But first I had to get Reed to forgive me. That would be easy I’m just going to lay on the charm.

The Quarterback's Gigolo [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now