The Quarterback's Gigolo [boyxboy] [5]

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Jack P.O.V


I woke up to my alarm the next morning; I groaned rolling out of bed. Still half asleep I went to the bathroom and had a shower, well I think I did I was too tired to remember. Anyways when I was fully awake, I was dressed and in the kitchen eating Frosties. But I wasn’t worried this happened to me every so often. Gemma walked into the kitchen a smile on her face; I didn’t hear her come in last night.

I didn’t care, well okay as of yesterday I was trying not to care about anything involving Reed, and if that meant my sister’s whereabouts then... I was going to try really hard not to care where she went. I glanced at the clock it was time to leave I wanted to see if coach was in before school started. I didn’t bother tell Gemma I was leaving I figured since Reed had a car now he’d pick her up.

I slammed the front door behind me; I walked to my car noticing my mum’s car was back. I chuckled I wonder what time she got in. Seriously what was it in the Nickels household, the women went out whilst the men stayed at home waiting for them. Because I know dad waited for mum, and seeing how he was already gone for work I guessed he was majorly pissed at her.

I pulled into my usual parking spot. I grabbed my bag and my kit. We had a game tonight and I damn sure wanted to make sure we won. I attended Lakeside high and my football team were called the Scorpions. We played in red black and white, it was an alright kit, but I preferred the all black away kit. I like to think it represented danger, or the other team’s funeral.

I walked to the corridors to coach Durham’s office. The door was already opened so I peeped my head round. Coach was sitting in his chair drawing out new plays on his notepad. I knocked on the doorframe. He looked up and smiled, taking his glasses off, he beckoned me into the office.

“And what do I owe the pleasure Jack?” he asked, his old voice was croaking, his recent battle with the flu had taken a lot out of him.

I took the seat on the other side of his desk. Around his room he had several trophies and medals and cups, but he hadn’t won the championship in the last seven years, I was going to change that the Scorpions were going to win this year. I was going to make sure of it, so many of us needed the football scholarships to get into college. Or scouts to come and watch us shine.

“Hey coach just thought I’d check if you were back and healthy” I said.

He chuckled “Jack I’m old not stupid, now tell me what you really came to my office for?” I shifted nervously looking around. I got up and shut his office door, coach raised his eyebrows “Now this must be serious, tell me Jack I’ll help you if I can”

“So I wanted to see what you think about some new plays I thought of... and I wanted to ask you something, personal”

He sat up straighter in his chair “Go on”

I bit my lip and then decided to spill it “So, erm I kinda kissed my sister’s boyfriend and I erm kinda liked it you know, but now I’m confused am I gay or was it a lapse in focus?”

The Quarterback's Gigolo [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now