Broken Bottles (1)

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"Get back here you little bitch!"

With tears streaming down my face I run down the stairs as fast as I can. My hands are shaking and sweating which makes opening the door difficult. I hear his footsteps making my heart beat faster. I finally force the door open and run down the driveway. As I'm running something hits the back of my head with such force I fall. I hear the sound of smashing glass and I see the pieces of a broken beer bottle all around me. I ignore the pounding in the back of my head and get up and run. I accidentally cut my hand on the broken glass but I don't care, I need to get out of here. I run down the street and don't stop until I feel like I'm safe. I can't believe he did this to me. I can no longer ignore the pain so I find a bench to sit on. I touch the back of my head and I feel the blood. I look around to see where I am but nothing looks familiar. I get up and start walking. I see other kids out with their families, and people smiling and eating not a care in the world. I wish I could do that. I haven't eaten in three days. Dad got mad at me, but what else is new? He told me he wasn't going to give me food if I didn't clean the house. I cleaned the house but not good enough apparently. That's why we hit me and that's why I had to go. I feel dizzy and like I could drop any second. As I'm walking I bump into someone. It wasn't much but I'm too weak to stay on my feet.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The voice is distorted, then everything goes black.

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