Chapter Thirty-One

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I continue ignoring Jack's pleads as I walk away faster. I can't believe he's here. Of course I'm extremely happy, yet super embarrased. I think he made it pretty clear on where we stood, as I wanted more.

Suddenly, a hand caught my wrist tightly; not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to understand how much pain and urgency he's in. Halting, I turn around to be faced with the boy I fell in love with. He wore a guilty and pleading expression, still having a strong grip on my wrist.

"El, I'm so sorry."

I aggressively pulled my wrist out of his grip. "For what? For leading me on, or leaving me hanging?" I glared hard at the boy who broke my heart into a million tiny pieces.

"No El," he says, taking both my hands in his, giving them multiple little kisses on each hand. "I wasn't leading you on, it's not like that."

"Then what is it like? I don't understand you, Jack Johnson."

"Let me explain."

Those three words. The three words that can either be filled with passion, truth and love, or lies, betrayal, and heartbreak. If it were anyone else, I would've turned them down in an instant. I was told those three words could do nothing but harm a heart. Yet, Jack always seems to beat the odds for me. Not because he's famous, of course, but our unique love that can only be described as indescribable.

"Five minutes." I demanded. Jack sighed, letting out the biggest grin I've ever seen a human being wear. All of a sudden, he removed both his hands from mine,snaking them down to my waist and pulling me into a bear hug. Melting into them, even though we're not on the greatest terms, we hugged for a bit, and then he pulled away, pulling me to sit beside him on a park bench. His hands traveled back over to my own, as he squeezed them reassuringly.

"Four minutes, Johnson."

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