Chapter Seventeen

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Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since I've talked to Jack, but it's not like he hasn't been making an effort. He's been continuously calling, texting, even direct messaging.

He's been tweeting things which I know were directed to me. Like, 'please answer your phone' , 'I need to talk to you', even writing cute little lines like 'There's so much to say, if you decided to stay.'

The extra effort he's put into trying to be cute isn't helping either. The number of times my finger was on the answer slide, but I went against it.

Now I'm in my room, 'burritoed' in my bed, Nick and Bia sitting on either side of me.

"Its been two weeks already," Nick said, "Let it go."

"How? I just told him that I loved him, and probably in the worst way possible."

"Well are you gonna answer your phone anytime soon?" Bia asked.


"So are you never gonna talk to him ever again?"

There was a long pause. Of course I want to talk to Jack again, I can't shut him out of my life forever, even if I tried. But I just can't seem to answer my phone after I embarrased myself like that.

"... No." I sighed, as Bia shone a triumphant smile.

"Exactly, might as well get it over with. You don't want him giving up on you, do you?"

"No." I said defeatedly, grabbing my phone.

Bia gripped my shoulder, staring into my eyes, "Call him." I smiled weakly, and nodded.

Agreeing between each other that they should give me space, they both got up to leave.

"Good luck." Bia grinned widely, kissing my cheek, as Nick walked up to me.

"Call us if you need anything." With that, he kissed my forehead, and intertwined his hand with Biana's, and walking out of my room. 'Here we go,' I assured myself,

And just like that, I start dialing Jack's number.

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