Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I breathed a sigh of relief. This class could have not been any longer. Getting up, I quickly made my way to my locker, putting my books away.

"Hey Ella." A familiar voice sounded behind me. Turning around, I was faced with Jess and Bia together, standing with grins on their faces.

I've noticed that they've become close during the time when I was becoming close to, and was ignoring Aiden. However, they were nothing alike. Bia was the straight-up one, who made good decisions, and told you when you weren't. Jess is more of the, 'you only live once' kind of person. She likes risks, and other people taking it with her. She also likes short and sweet relationships, unlike Bia who's been with Nick since ninth grade.

"Hey," I smiled, closing my locker, and joining them on their way to the cafeteria. "What's going on?"

"Nothing much." They said simultaneously, and breathed out a little laugh. We continued down the hall, talking about nothing and everything, but mostly school. Once we reached the lunch line, Jess caught up with Aiden and Nick, who have also become quite close, and I was left with my best friend.

Suddenly, there was a vibration coming from my pocket. Already knowing who it is, I took it out, reading the text Jack would always send, with sweet nothings.

From: Ella

You're Perfect.♡

Ny heart melted from the text, and so did Bia's, since she pouted her lips, saying how Jack was so good to me. I mean, she's not lying.

"You guys are such a cute couple."

My smile faltered. "I actually don't think we're an official couple."


"We've never really touched upon the topic. He's never asked."

Bia then took the phone out of my hands, and began tapping away on the screen. She then turned the phone. She was on Jack's, or technically my, contact.

"Ask him."

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