Algophobia [Ziall Hybrid]

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Algophobia [al·go·pho·bi·a]

An abnormal fear of pain.

Zayn is terrified of fear, but Niall is dripping with it.

Zayn wants no regrets, but that's all what Niall is.

Zayn is a regular human, but Niall isn't.

A/N – Slash story. But it’s also my first Hybrid story so let’s go on this journey together. Typically I’m not a fan of Hybrid stories, but I thought it was a different spin on something so I’m doing one. But, I’ll ensure you that I’m trying to make this as realistic as possible. And also, this story is dealing with the disorder, Algophobia, which is the real fear of pain. I’m no specialist with this disorder, and I’m in no way saying what I write is near accurate. It’s all just my own interpretation. Thank you. 

Algophobia [ZIALL]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora