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[Zayn's POV]

I was seated in the front row of my Human Biology class, taking down notes on the human body. We had just started the unit on malfunctions in the human body and were going to look at disorders such as Trisomy-21. My professor then had his attention taken from us, as there was a knock at the door. He opened the door and a young looking adult in a white lab coat stood in the doorway, "I'm sorry for disrupting your class, but I would like to see Zayn Malik." I slowly stood up and began walking to the door, "Bring your things, you won't be coming back." I retreated back to my desk and grabbed my textbook, notebook and bag, only to be rushed out of the classroom by the man in glasses and the lab coat.

"What's going on?" I asked, suddenly scared as the man behind me was pushing me out of my college, at a rather quick speed. He didn't respond and I was shoved into a black limousine. The man crammed in beside me, still not talking to me, "Please sir, please tell me what's going on." My breathing quickened and beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I had no clue what was going on. Was I in danger?

"I'm taking you to my office." The man said.

"Why? Are you going to hurt me?" I shuffled away from the man, suddenly trying to gasp for air and trying to fight back tears. I was terrified. Why would this man want to hurt me? I've never done anything to him, hell, I don't even know who he is. So why would he want to cause me pain? I shuddered at the thought of pain and tried to calm myself down. There's no reason for him to want to hurt me. Nothing at all, so I shouldn't be worried. But I couldn't stop panicking.

"Kid... Kid... Calm down. I'm going to hurt you," The man awkwardly chuckled, "I'm going to offer you a job in my laboratory." I tilted my head in confusion, my breathing slowly returning back to normal and the tears and sweat disappearing. As soon as I was breathing normally, I spoke out,

"A-A-A job?" A sense of comfort came over me as the man smiled and patted the seat I had just scurried away from, "What kind of job?" I questioned as I took my previous seat, feeling a lot better about the situation I was in.

"Let's wait until we're in my office to discuss that business, Zayn."

"Fair enough." I nodded, "What's your name?"

"Dr. Tomlinson, Dr. Louis Tomlinson."

"Sounds professional. I'm sorry about what just happened." I mumbled as I rubbed my forearm gently. Dr. Tomlinson chuckled slightly and closed his eyes, sighing a little,

"You're an algophobe, aren't you?"

"How'd you know?" I asked, innocently looking into his eyes, feeling sudden shame rush over me. I hated when people could tell my disorder just like that only because I've spent the majority of my life trying my hardest to hide that embarrassing part of my life. Normally when I was in fear of pain, I would just have mental arguments with myself, and when I got home would be when I cried. But I wasn't able to do that here; I just freaked out right in front of him.

"Zayn, son, the way you reacted to the assumption that I was going to hurt you gave it away," Dr. Tomlinson laughed, "And plus, I've worked with people just like you before. I know how to calm them down and work around their fears. With that being said, if you take this job I'm going to offer you, I'll be available to you for help with your fear. Alright?" I wasn't quite sure if I could trust this man since I had just met him not even five minutes ago. I nodded, and remained silent for the rest of the car ride.

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