Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

*Sydney's P.O.V*

"I'm here don't get your flippers in a twist," I hollered enthusiastically as I scanned the room filled with agitated penguins. Apparently the client before us enjoyed pounding on the glass walls of the exhibit. It was wonders how that child made it past our boss .Then again she's always supporting the be kind to the visitors. Some of the children who visit just make me want to go from a feeling of hurling to ripping one of their head's off. One time a little boy no older than seven jumped the caution tape at the nearest employee entrance. Somehow the employees missed a little brat running through the halls of the locker room all the way to the penguin entrance. After opening the door he not only set off an alarm that made the birds go hay wire but he also chased one of the smallest new borns until it was nearly dead from exhuastion. My job is just lovely.

A few of the birds came up from behind me waiting for me to scoop there apetizing food. Just a few scoops of dry kibble like food and a raw fish. I guess it was like a five star meal to such odd birds. It blew my mind how it didn't drive them crazy that they couldn't fly. Its like a human who can't walk. You're definition of being a human is mobility on your feet. But you're just the odd one out who can't and is automatically restrained to a wheel chair.

No wonder Niall calls me scatter brained.

"Here buddy," I placed the bowl with the fish covered kibble to the penguin and he devoured it right in front of my eyes. His flippers moved behind his back almost like a dog when he was eating. A few people were walking around the glass doors peeking in as I fed the penguins.

I yawned several times before I finished feeding the birds. I grabbed my usual broom to scoop up the left of crap and checked my watch. It was nearly 9:30. Niall should be here any minute.

Right as I finished scooping the rest of it; the smell already cascading all over me. I heard a similar voice.

"What's up, Chica?"

"Hey. I thought you weren't coming." I sighed wrapping my arms around his neck. He moved his arms underneath my thighs so they wrapped around his torso in a tight embrace. "Woah there," I giggled hopping down from him.

"Hey, I'm leaving within twenty four hours. May as well take advantage of it,"

"You're a pig," I laughed playfully punching his left arm. We both walked over towards the edge of the fake rocks where they led to a clear pool of water. I crossed my legs underneath myself as Niall joined me. He leaned his forearm behind the my mid back sending sensations up my spine.

"When are you leaving tomorrow?" I inquired dipping my hand in the water.

"Early. Too early,"

"Will you be able to stop by before?"

"Not unless I get up at the crack of dawn,"

"Alright. I won't do that to you," I giggled slighlty. I turned to him watching his countenance sadden.I leaned my temple against his shoulder.

"I'm really going to miss you, Syd."

"The feelings mutual," I sighed. "Two months without you. How on earth am I going to survive?"

"Television and lots of it," He chuckled. Everything turned to silence and I felt my eyes welting up. Hot tears bubbled in my eyes before one was let loose and rolled down my cheek. "Please don't cry,"

"I can't help it. I'm sorry," I wiped it away with my jacket sniffling slightly. "I wish tears were like rainbows. They rarely occur and always end in something better."

"Where'd that come from?" Niall laughed at medraping his arm around my shoulder. He squeezed lightly and I leaned foreward to press a light kiss to his cheek.

"I get weird when I'm sad," I giggled again. Niall really had this peculiar affect on me. I was truly so upset at this moment and everything felt like it was hitting rock bottom. But from there you can only go up; obviously Niall was making me laugh so it was a sign things would get better.

"Look what the cat dragged in. I thought you were grabbing you cellphone, Niall." I heard a raspy low voice speak from the other side of the room. My head perked up from Nialls shoulder seeing a angry boy looking back at us. Harry to be exact.

"You didn't tell him you were coming to see me?" I questioned Niall.

"Yeah he didn't. Probably too embarissed to visit the whore,"

"Thats not tru-"

"Niall; please I got this." I spoke interrupting him. "I've been biting my tongue so long and I can't do it any longer. Harry, your such a conceted jerk. Why do you listen to someone you dislike so much to believe blatant lies about me? Someone who your bestfriend cares about."

"Wow, you talk a bit highly about yourself, Martin." Harry sneered hopping from the higher rock.

"Say one more thing, I dare you." I gritted my teeth and balled my fists.

"Sydney, please. Stop while your ahead." Niall grabbed my shoulder hoisting me back before something got dirty.

"You're a lying, cheating, dirty skank." He spat taking a step closer to me between each word. His face was right in front of mine. So close I could feel his breath lingering onto mine. I whipped my arms away from Niall and shoved Harry backwards.

"Get the fuck out of here. I never want to see you again. Get out of my face, get out of my aquarium, and get out of my life." I gave him another shove in between each statement before he raised his hands in surrender.

Sarcastically of course.

"Come on, Niall. Let's leave the bitch to her menopause," Harry smirked at me before turning on his heel. I wanted to stampede him so bad but Niall grasped onto my forearms.

"Sydney. Please. This is our last goodbye. Let's not waste it on something so meaningless."

"I'm sorry," I sighed and dug my head into his jacket. He wrapped his arms around my body pulling me into his. He kissed the top of my head and leaned his chin on my forehead.

"I'll call you whenever I get the chance," He whispered. He pulled be backwards still holding onto my forearms. "Don't lose your sanity." He grinned cheekily.

"Goodbye, blondie."

"Bye," He spoke before letting me go. He gave me one last smile before turning around and jogging to find Harry. My heart sunk into the pit of my stomach as I watched him go. I didn't know what to do with myself, so I just curled into a ball and stared blankly down at the water.


"Sydney. Sydney Martin," I heard my boss holler rather angrily from the corner of the exhibit. I arose swiftly following her voice, her face was plastered with anger. "My office. Now."

I bit my lip nervousily as my palms began to sweat. I shuffled towards her office where I had sat last night but this time she seamed a lot less understanding.

"Don't bother showing up at work tomorrow." She started.

"What? Why?" I was panicking already.

"There were some filed in complaints of you swearing and being overly rude to visitors."

"Wha-" I began but than I came to the realization of Harry. He must've filed in a complaint to get me fired. Because that is the cruel and black heart he has. "Visitor or visitors," I asked.

"That is none of your concern, Miss Martin." She spoke calmly. "You're fired and that is that."

"I can't believe this," I mumbled carding my fingers through my hair. "Fine. Fine if thats what you want. Fine. If three years of working here meant nothing to you then thats what I'll take. Have a nice life," I almost got to the point of yelling before I slammed the door and angrily gathered my things.

I was so confused. I spent nearly hours in my bedroom that night rocking back and forth. I didn't want to cry because I kept telling myself so many people had it worse than me. I had options. Well an option. I couldn't afford to stay in my apartment building anymore.

It would take months to find work somewhere in London. I ran my finger tips over the contact on my phone. This was my last option but I didn't have a choice. I pressed the call button and waited for an answer.


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