Chapter 3

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Harry's POV:

Once me and Chloe got home I rushed into the house to find Bella. I searched everywhere to find her and she wasn't home. I sighed and tugged at the end of my hair lightly.

I ran down the stairs to Chloe "Chloe will you stay here for about 1 hour whilst I go find Bella?" A asked as I leaned against the door frame "of course babe" she said and I said "thank you" before leaving.

Bella's POV:
I sat on the swings in the park and watched as the little kids ran around with their friends happily. It reminded me of me and Harry. When we were little we used to come to the park and we'd run around hand in hand smiling happily.

I didn't notice that I was staring at the tree in front of me until a small hand tapped me. I looked aside and saw a little girl as she stared up at me "are you ok?" She asked in a faint voice "yes thank you love" I smile at her "why are you alone?" She asked standing in front of me "Well my best friend left me" I said looking down feeling sad "don't be sad" the little girl pouted "aw you're very cute. What's your name?" I smile whilst getting off of the swing and kneeling down in front of her small body "my name is Temperance" She said with a smile "nice to meet you Temperance, my name is Bella" I said holding my hand out. Temperance took my hand and shook it "that's a nice name" she said looking up at me "Aw thanks" I said giving her a little hug. I went to pull away from the hug but Temperance held me tighter so I carried on hugging her.

"Temperance come on time to go home!" A womanly voice shouted. Temperance stood up taking my hand and taking me somewhere without saying a word. Temperance took me up to a pretty woman in about her 30's "Temperance who's this?" She asked looking up and smiling at me "this is my new friend Bella" she said holding my hand tighter "hi there Bella I'm Temperance's mum, Riley. It's nice to meet you" She said smiling and shaking my hand "nice to meet you too!" I said smiling. "Come on Temperance it's time to go home" She said smiling, Temperance frowned "Aw but I don't wanna leave Bella" she said "how about we invite her for dinner tomorrow?" Riley suggested "yes mummy!" Temperance shouted and I smiled "well here's my number see you tomorrow then Bella!" Riley said and Temperance hugged me hard and walked off with her mum leaving me in the best mood I have felt in ages.

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