Chapter 35

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Skipper's POV

My hands quake as I hold the International medical Journal between them. The headline on this edition-
"HIV and AIDS, a new generation of science. Research by Medical Student Dr. Princess 'Skipper' Nelson."

The woman from the FDA Board, named Elizabeth Faraday, has come through on her promise. This morning, my information has finally been published for the world to see, only a week after I mailed it. She sent me this edition in the mail, to Will's office where I sit. Finally, it has been revealed.

I open the door to the office, and walk across the bridge to the surgical floor of the hospital. When I look around, it seems like Love Symbol all over again. Even Attending Surgeons are huddled together, straining to read their copies of the medical journal.

They all seem to look up as I pass by. These aren't looks of pity, or even amusement as I got from my fellow 'peers' at St. Mary's. They are looks of admiration- even jealousy, which I am not ashamed to say that I enjoy.

The sound of a clap scares me, as I turn on my heel to see the culprit. Michael is standing in the middle of the hallway, gazing at me. Of course he's here right now, surprise surprise. He claps faster, and people quickly join in, cheering for me, calling out my name.

I crack a smile, laughing. Haven't done that in a while- and it feels good. Dr. Ladawn steps forward, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You did well, Dr. Nelson. I am very proud. Chief Rose would be too." I give him a warm smile, and a nod. "Just... Doing my job." He chuckles, shaking his head. "Above and beyond, Dr. Nelson. You've done it."

The applause slowly dies out, and when I turn around, Michael has gone.


Jay's hand leaves the steering wheel, and I do my best to ignore it, staring out the window of the car.

I was extremely uncomfortable with this run, given recent events. Which he still hasn't said anything about. His hand reaches over, and rests on my knee. I stare down at it with disdain, and gaze over at him. He isn't even looking at me. I don't like this, but I'm afraid of going back home. I left X sleeping in my bed there last night, and I'm not sure he left.

His hand creeps up my leg. I have to look down and watch it as it makes its silent assault on me. Once it gets too high for my taste, I grab it quickly, and hold it in mine.

He glances over at me, and does a double take. "What?" I make the first attempt at talking today. Beside the run we just made, we haven't exchanged a word. "Your face.. What happened?"

"Shit." I reach into the pocket of my coat, and remove my powder foundation. In the mirror of the little case, I see that the cut and bruise from last night are back, full force. This morning at the hospital, I iced my face to make it go down, and combed out the bruise, but still it was extremely noticeable. So, with a little makeup, I made it go away.

"Skipper." I dab at the spot with the foundation until it's gone again, blended into my skin tone. "Who gave you that?" "I don't want to talk about it." He whips the steering wheel to one side, slamming on the brakes. "Tell me what happened." "Why did you pull over? Come on, let's go." "It was him, wasn't it." He demands grimly.

I sigh, staring at my lap. "It's not a big deal." "Do you know how ridiculous you sound? It's 'no big deal' that your rapist... hit you?" Well, when he says it like that... "That's stupid! You can't let this happen to you, Skip. Every moment that you aren't doing something about him, you're communicating that this is acceptable behavior!"

"Please don't yell at me... I have enough on my plate." I can feel my eyes watering, and I certainly don't want to cry in front of him. That'll expose the bruise under all the makeup again. He sighs, placing a hand over mine. "Sorry, I just... Can't sit here and watch a man abuse you." "It's okay. Don't worry about it."

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