Chapter 53

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Skipper's POV

I let my eyelids fall shut, and breathe a happy sigh, leaning back against my sturdy willow tree.

The meadow beyond the backyard is something worth gazing at, especially now that April has finally arrived and the winter snow has subsided. The grass here is already long and green, swaying and dancing in the spring breeze. The air is heavy with the sweet scent of wild flowers, and the sound of bullfrogs croaking down by the pond rings bright and clear.

Slender bugs dash across the surface of the silvery water, which reflects the early morning sun. I should probably be on the way to school right now, but ever since I discovered this place three days ago, I can't tear myself away from it.

After the trial, I didn't want to eat or talk to anyone. I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. So, I found my way to Daddy's backyard, climbed over the fence, and it wasn't long before I put my grief aside and immersed myself in this beautiful sight.

My first instinct was to show this place to Michael, but I haven't talked to him since he walked out of my room those long three days ago, without a word. I know he's mad that I even mentioned Will, and the more time passes, the more that familiar sense of worry begins to grow in my stomach.

I know I should go, I told myself that I was going to school today. The sound of the bees humming and the water tranquilly lapping against the muddy pond shore keeps me rooted in place. This reminds me of home. Of where Moonsie is. Somehow, in my head, that's where my baby is too.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I yawn, turning to see Daddy standing behind me. He gazes out beyond the pond, twirling a piece of sweet grass between his fingers. "Very rare in a place like New York." "Yeah," I sigh, knowing he's probably here to haul me off to St. Mary's. Instead, and to my great pleasure, he takes a seat beside me, and leans against the broad tree trunk.

"Aren't you cold? It's a bit chilly." I think it's nice, just a hint of warmth. "I'm fine."

"So... everything's supposed to be back to normal, huh?" When I look over, he is focused on tying two pieces of grass together. "Nothing will ever be the same." I watch a ladybug hike through the green below my feet. "Yeah." He agrees softly, and sighs. "Apollonia and I are having problems." He sounds so disappointed in himself, but I have to fight to hide my contentment.

"Nothing will ever be the same, even though on paper, it looks as if nothing ever happened. But these last few months..." I change the subject for his sake. "Yes?" He urges me to continue. "These last few months have changed me forever. There's no going back." I never meant to come off as so cryptic, but it's true.

He gives me a long and knowing glance, the gentle breeze blowing some of his curls around. "You've changed for the better." He concludes, and examines the knot he has created in the pieces of grass. I want to ask him why, how he knows this, but instead, I gaze at the pond again.

"You don't have to stay here if you don't want to." His voice is sad now. "You could move back to St. Mary's if that would make you happy." "Are you kidding? You're stuck with me for a while, I am never going back to communal showers again." He laughs heartily, and it's a long time before his grin fades. "Everything's done. I don't think you need any more restrictions." A long silence follows.

I should ask... "Hey, so... you know how before I got arrested, I was going to ask you this... question?" "Hmm?" He raises one eyebrow. "Well, yeah... I was going to ask you why you left Moonsie and I. When I was a girl." I hold my breath, and bat my eyelashes expectantly.

He tosses the knotted grass to the side, and stands quickly. "Come. Class starts in half an hour, and you still have to fight traffic." With that, he turns, and trudges away through the meadow.

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