Chapter 10

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Michael leans against the wall next to the entrance of the OR, and I can't help but crack a smile. Ever since we became 'friends' I'm always really happy to see him.

"Are they in there?" I ask, and he nods, smiling back at me. "Yeah... He's all draped and ready for you. Chief Rose is in there too." His smile drops when he says the last part.

I take a quivering breath with my hand on the door. I can't bring myself to step inside yet, as my stomach churns uncomfortably. "What's wrong, you nervous?" Surprisingly, no.

"Not really, I just don't wanna see his... you know, his... junk." Michael bursts into fits of childlike laughter, covering his mouth with his hands.

His laugh is music to my ears.

"That's your worry right now? Your father's on the operating table, and you're worried about seeing his 'junk?'" I giggle too, shrugging.

"Would you wanna see your father's?" "Good point. Wish you luck, but I know you don't need it."

"See you on the other side?" "Definitely."

Having Michael back definitely isn't bad, especially when he's finally learning how to be civil to me. So I think he's learning...


"Placing the bone graft," I mutter, gazing up at Sperm Donor in his unconscious state. Everything has gone well, ever so smoothly, and I've made it clear to the nurses that if they touch, they die.

"Now, wait for the bone to turn a healthy color," Will whispers, and I roll my eyes in irritation. He's standing too close to me, and the whole time he's been saying stupid things like I've never operated before. He's just... Aggravating me.

"Everything's in place. It's done." I tell him, looking in his direction. "Yeah. It's done."

I find myself holding my breath as I stitch up his three incisions, one per hip plus his leg, from where we took the bone graft.

"Beautiful work, Junior." I suck in a huge breath when the incisions are closed. "Well, nurses, take him to Post-op. Monitor him carefully, I want updates every hour on his condition," I tell them with a stern expression.

"Aw, sounds like someone cares about her daddy." The irritation inside of me only grows. "I'm doing the same as I would for any other patient." "Sure."

I leave the OR quickly afterwards, before I say something I shouldn't.

Michael is waiting again outside, and instantly my anger dissolves like salt in water. "It went well." He beams, not even asking the question. "It did."

It isn't until now that I realize how relieved I am for that. "I'm proud of you. I knew it would go well."

I don't protest as he envelops me into a warm hug, and I embrace the scent of him. Cinnamon and cologne. Friends do this, right? Friends hug. It doesn't mean anything...

Until the OR door opens, and I jump off of him just in time, before Will witnesses our 'moment.'

"Proud of you, Junior," He says, squeezing my shoulder with a wink. "Yeah." I watch him walk away, before I turn and witness the sad frown planted on Michael's face. "What's wrong?" I ask softly, and he shakes his head, returning to his smile.

"Nothing, just.... Never mind, don't worry about it. Are you gonna go wait for him to wake up?" I shake my head gently. "No, but you should. He's gonna be in some pain when he wakes up."

"Sounds like you care." He suggests softly. I don't respond. "I have to go, research you know, but we'll talk." I promise. "Sure, of course."


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