Chapter 9

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Hey guys! I'm thinking about updating everyday.... Would that be too much? Or do you prefer every other day? Comment here and tell me! xx

I smile brightly at my ninth GRID trial patient as I go through the paperwork with him, and his partner, who happens to be female. So much for 'Gay-Related.'

"So, it's just a trial then?" My patient is a blonde man with pale skin, which only makes his skin appear to be even more blue with fatigue. I nod. "I take a sample of blood from you, and your partner here, along with the other bodily fluids listed there." I point to the list on the clipboard in his hands. He chuckles. "Vaginal fluid, saliva, sweat, tears?"

I shrug, chuckling. "I've gotta cover my bases if I'm gonna reveal this thing for what it is: A fraud," I smile at them both. His girlfriend seems very happy with this, even though it involves 'vaginal fluid.'

"Thank you, we're really so happy to be a part of this," She assures me with an even brighter smile. Only three days ago, Will spread the word about the trial through the local hospitals, and this is my ninth participant. There's even a waiting list, which is awesome, considering I need as much data as possible.

For the last few days, I've been up to my knees in the Skills lab, seeing how GRID spreads through different fluids. It involves a lot of math, calculating percentages, and I frequently get headaches from peering through the eyepiece of the microscope. It's always calculating, testing, calculating, testing. Writing statistics, not eating, popping pills for the pain in my side.

It's such detailed work, it distracts me from my impending surgery with Sperm Donor. I am thinking about so many aspects of this disease at the same time, I don't have room in my mind to think about anything else.

The only bad thing about this is the collecting of the bodily fluids. Especially the sperm. I mean, obviously I've seen it before because for some reason I forgot what the hell a condom was, but I don't like to look at it.

"I'm happy to have the both of you. Your stay at the hospital will be covered, and treatment of your symptoms is complimentary," I tell my patient, Mr. Lowe. "Thank you, so much."

"I'll be back for some blood as well as other things later, along with some questions," I tell them with a plastered on smile. The stress of my life right now is overwhelming.

As soon as I leave I choke down ibuprofen, I woke up with morning and the pain in my side was enough to bring tears to my eyes. And pouring down my face.

"Hey, how's the research going?" Will asks, running up with a coffee in hand. "Thank god," I breathe, kicking back the hot liquid. "Tired?" He smirks smugly, giving me the urge to push him down a flight of stairs.

"Very, and I'm making some amazing discoveries. GRID doesn't pass through saliva, and it rarely passes through breast milk." I wait for him to catch the hint. "Breast milk?" "That's right. It's not a men's disease." I return the smirk, and he shrugs. "Whatever you say." "You'll see the data. It's coming along."

"You do know you'll have to present the results to the FDA board yourself, correct?" I shrug. "Yeah."

"The lab's been bugging me, you need to pick up those blood samples soon, you know, your father?" I forgot about those. "Sure, I'll remember." "Like you won't disappear to the Skills Lab for the rest of the day and forget every word coming out of my mouth."

I don't comprehend the words coming out of his mouth, because when I look over, Michael is staring hard at me. His eyes follow my movements, but I don't know if he's really conscious. His lips part slightly, which is enough to make my cheeks catch fire. I hate myself for it, but I will never lose my physical attraction to him. One might say... I miss him...

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