Chapter 15

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Skipper's POV

I know I can't stay here forever, but barricading myself in the Skills Lab seems to be the only way to avoid the two nosey police men roaming the hospital for no good reason. They've been here since yesterday, and they show no signs of leaving.

I was walking here when the two of them appeared out of nowhere. "Are you 'Skipper?'" The taller of the two asked, removing his unnecessary pair of sunglasses. We were indoors.

"Who's asking?" They exchanged a glance, before looking back down at me with plastered on, fake smiles. "Nothing, we just want to ask you a few questions. It's not serious, you know... General stuff." At that moment Will walked up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"You meeting these two?" He grinned while I frowned. "Not willingly." I muttered, and he squeezed my shoulder. "You'll be fine." He winked and then walked away. When I looked back at the two police men, they were writing frantically in notebooks.

"Well... I'm gonna go..." I said quickly, before escaping to the Skills Lab and locking the doors behind me. If this is something about Jerry, I want nothing to do with it.

I had a surplus of two water bottles and a pack of gum, but the water is gone now, and I'm chewing the last piece of gum. "Damn it," I mutter to myself after finishing the twenty-third experiment. I've run out of DNA to test now, and getting more would require leaving the room.

I square my shoulders and unlock the doors, slipping out and hurrying down the hall to the vending machines. I at least need some provisions, because if I don't have those I can't do any experiments.

Footsteps approach from behind, so I pick up my speed, planning to duck into the nearest closet and hide until whoever it is disappears. This happens for a while, while the footsteps gradually get closer and louder. I squeal at a hand gripping my arm, and spin around fully prepared to fight off whoever it is, cops or not.

"Woah! Relax," Will chuckles. Of course, it's just Will. I'm getting jumpy these days. "Hey," I breathe a sigh of relief. Those cops give me the creeps, every time I turn around I feel like it's either them or Sperm Donor staring at me with this knowing look on his face. Glad I finally haven't seen him today.

"What's up? Why so defensive?" I shrug, stepping closer to him in the empty hallway. "Nothing, it's just those cops. They follow me around sometimes, and want to 'ask me questions.'" He tucks some of my hair behind my ear, letting his thumb trace my jawline. "Yeah. Don't worry, they won't be around for long. They'll get what they need and go." He bites his lip a little and looks away.

"How are the... Incisions?" I roll my eyes, this is his way of asking 'can we have sex now.' "Um... They're coming along. It's only been three days now since the surgery." "Yeah." I take a few steps back, and sigh.

I find that at night now, I dream about a family. I dream about a big house, with a white picket fence. It's a three person family, a mom, a dad, a Little Skipper. She has a dog named Ezra. Some days I am the Little Skipper, reading health books. Sperm Donor is the dad and Moonsie is the mom. We don't live in Minneapolis, Moonsie doesn't have spells, Sperm Donor never leaves. We're perfect. I long for that reality even after I wake up.

Sometimes the family is different though, sometimes Little Skipper isn't me. She is a beautiful girl with Michael's smile. Michael is the dad, and I am the mom. Michael and I are married, and everything is perfect again. Most of the time, I wake up crying from those dreams. I know it could never happen. Michael wouldn't ever marry me, and the possibility of me ever having a child are slim. The weight of my missing baby hits me sometimes, and I forget how to breathe. I wouldn't have wanted a child at this age anyway, but that doesn't mean I don't feel the pain.

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