Chapter 12

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Michael's POV


It's all I can say for a good five minutes, my legs feeling numb beneath me, and my mouth thoroughly dry for hanging open so long.

Pregnant? My Skip was pregnant? Worst of all, it's Ectopic, meaning she was in a lot of pain for a long time. She could be bleeding internally right now, she's so small she could easily bleed to death if she doesn't get immediate care.

Adrenaline pushes through my veins as I fight through the crowd with newfound strength. The only thing I want to do right now is see her, hold her, make sure she's ok. The thought of her hurting in any way makes me want to punch a hole through a fucking wall.

I finally reach the OR doors, where surprisingly, a high-strung looking Will is pacing back and forth. His whole body shakes, his breath is erratic and his pupils are so dilated his green irises are practically nonexistent. "Where is she?" I demand, stepping closer to the OR doors. I thought he would be inside with her.

"She's in there, they're working on her now. I tried to go in, but Dr. Monroe kicked me out." He seems to be caught in a full panic, looking like he's going to throw up or cry. Or both.

"What happened?" I almost yell. "I don't know, it happened so quickly... She had been complaining of this pain in her side and... we were in the OR and I was yelling at her. Fuck me, I shouldn't have been yelling at her. She just... Collapsed. She was bleeding and... This is my damn fault, and had so much stress..."

I still don't understand, his rambling is indecipherable. Besides, my mind is occupied with one thought: whose is it? Whose child was she carrying? We had sex, and I didn't exactly pull out, but I also don't know how recently she's been intimate with Will.

The more I think about it, the more I know deep down inside of me that it was our child she was with. It's just a feeling, a bittersweet throb in my chest.
I'm sure he thinks it's his from the way his hands quake.

"Where's her father?" I ask quickly, while he shrugs. "I just need to see her, I need to be with her," His voice cracks. I will be back for her soon, but her father needs to hear the news from me.

I rave through the halls, searching for a glimpse of his purple suit jacket.

I finally find him near the bridge, with a frazzled look on his face. "Michael, thank god. What's going on? Everyone keeps looking at me crazy." I find myself at a loss for words, swallowing with a dry mouth. Now I know how those two bullshit doctors felt trying to tell me.

"It's.... Skip." His eyes narrow, and he takes a step closer to me. "What about her?" "Something's wrong, and.... She's in surgery."

His body shudders, and I can practically hear the air whoosh from his lungs. "W-what? My baby! Is she ok?" I choke on my breath, rubbing my hands together. "I don't know."

"What's wrong with her?! Tell me what is wrong with my daughter."

She will kill me. She will cut my head off and put it on a pike if I ever told her father she was pregnant. I doubt she even knows. But I know I have to, he has a right to know, and he needs to be there for her now.

"She's pregnant. Or she used to be, but... The pregnancy was ectopic. The egg was fertilized, but it caught in a place other than the uterus... Most likely it was in her Fallopian tube and then it popped."

His knees wobble dangerously, so I help him over to the nearest empty room. "She's... Pregnant?" I nod once, quietly kissing our friendship goodbye. "She's fifteen!" I nod again. "I know, it's a lot to process. You're angry-" "That... Is an understatement." He says so quietly it scares even me.

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