Chapter 13

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Skipper's POV

It feels like a measly five seconds have passed before I open my eyes again. The clock on the wall beyond this bed tells me it's been more than thirteen hours.

My incisions feel like nothing, which means someone slipped some pain meds into my IV fluid, most likely some Lidocaine.

After I've taken a few deep breaths and re-oriented myself with the world, it only takes moments to realize that I am not the only presence in the room.

I hope in my mind that it is Michael, but I am brutally disappointed when I see Sperm Donor sitting beside the bed in a chair. His leg is crossed over his lap, and his chin rests on his fist. I turn up my nose slightly, rolling my eyes. I hope he wasn't here for long, watching me sleep or something.

"Have a nice rest?" For the first time, his voice seems plastic, fake, and his tone is flat. "What do you want?" I scoff, and he shakes his head quickly, smiling sarcastically at me. Smiling angrily at me. The air in the room thickens like caramel, becoming stuffy with his obvious and very apparent disdain.

"Oh, no, there will be none of that. You will treat me with respect, and you will do it now." His tone is grave, but not enough to scare me. "Yeah, sure, and what have you done to earn my respect?" "You've certainly done nothing to earn mine." He retorts with a cool tone and an even cooler gaze.

"Mr. Nelson, I don't want your respect. It means nothing to me." "No! I am your father, no more of this 'Mr. Nelson.'" With each statement, his voice becomes even sharper. "I don't have a father-" "Shut up and listen!" He snaps. "Excuse me?" I fire back.

"Yeah, that's right. I am done being your little doormat, honey. I let you dictate who I was to you up until today, and you have done nothing but blatantly disrespect me over and over. So I'm done with your little game, you obviously need a parent and I am here to be one. Like it or not." His eyes widen as he over exaggerates his words, attempting to intimidate me by raising his voice and staring me down.

"Yeah, right. Whatever. I don't have parents, and I'm fine with that now." He laughs, biting his lip and staring out the window for a few moments. "Sorry to break it to you? But you're looking at one, babe. I legally have to look after you, they should've put you in the foster care system after Susan passes but you somehow slipped through the cracks. I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere."

"Sorry to break it to you? But I don't want or need you." I spit at him through gritted teeth. He doesn't react at all, just gazes at me with a blank expression. "Oh, you need a father, alright." "How so?" I mock, playing with a lock of my hair.

"Girls that have fathers don't get pregnant at age fifteen, especially not by grown men." He spits, waiting for his venom to sink it. But it doesn't. I expected him to know, and I expected this to happen. "Maybe if you wouldn't have left, it wouldn't have turned out this way, huh?"

"It's not that simple." He rubs his face with his hand as if that could wipe away my current circumstances. "I don't care. You can leave now," I attempt to dismiss him but he ignores me. "I am your father. You will respect me, and obey me. If you do that, we can have a nice relationship. If you stop being so stubborn, it could go back to the way it used to be." "I don't want that." I contradict.

"Of course you do. Every girl does." He says softly, leaning back in his chair. "Now, here is what I want from you." I roll my eyes in exasperation, knowing in my mind that he isn't getting shit from me.

"I want you to move in with me after they discharge you. I want you to go
to school everyday like you're supposed to, I know you're not doing that. The deal from earlier is still good. You can have everything you want if you would just listen. I'm more than well off." I just glare at him, so he sighs and continues.

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