17. Whole Lotta Love

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This one might be a bit rubbish compared to the rest, but I'm going to Scotland tomorrow (no wifi) So I won't be uploading for a while... I thought I owed it to my AWESOME readers to get something up, so here you go!



I woke up screaming.

"Sh, Lyra... Wake up! Lyra-"

Crying, breathing fast, I sat up in bed. "David?" I was finding it difficult when all I could see was those dark woods, and all I could hear was Nate screaming at me to run.

Someone was sat on the side of my bed, his arm around my shoulders. I couldn't believe Nate would be here, after everything lately, that he was helping me abandon a nightmare just like last time. I wanted to throw my arms around him, to-

 "What's wrong?" The guy said, and my heart plummeted. It wasn't Nate, it was David. Of course it wasn't Nate.

I blinked, the bedroom coming into focus. "Um, nightmare. I'm fine." I said, gazing around. My eyes fell on the alarm clock. It was three in the morning. I wondered why David was in the apartment so early in the morning. "What are you doing here?" I asked, kind of bluntly.

"Um..." He looked shifty. "Well, after we had dinner I left and was walking back to my place. I kind of bumped into Nate."

"Nate? What?"

"Yeah, he was just kind of wandering up the street in the dark. He looked kind of...drunk. And he recognised me, and he mumbled a bit and glared a bit and then blurted that you were having trouble sleeping and I should make sure that you're OK." He said, looking away.

I rolled my eyes. "So damn overprotective." I muttered. "Right... So, you came back and what?"

"I came back - Nate looked pretty damn dangerous, all drunk and that so I thought I better do what he said. And you were thrashing around in bed, screaming and stuff. I woke you up a few times, but I don't think you were properly conscious." David said, smoothing his hair back.

I shook my head. "I don't remember that. But Nate was drunk?"

He nodded.

"Great. It should be a fun day rehearsing while he's got hangover. Super fun, that." I groaned.

"How are things between you?" David asked. He didn't sound suspicious, just curious, and for some reason I suddenly felt guilty.

"We, uh, called a  ceasefire. I'm still mad at him, and I know he's still mad at me, but we're trying to get on with each other, you know?" I said, fiddling with the sheets.

"Sounds like the best thing to do." He said, "Your Dad's still fast asleep on the sofa, by the way."

I sighed. "OK."

"I'm going to...uh," He trailed off. An awkward silence swept over us, and then David said, "I'll see you tomorrow? Well, later today?"

I nodded. "Um, yeah."

And then he just walked out of my room. I heard the main door of the apartment close a second later.

What a night.


Six hours later found me at Springbreak, David holding my hand. Today was the day that our EP was released to the public, and my stomach was writhing like snakes.

The album consisted of Meet The Monsters, I Need You...To Shut Up and a few covers, including You Really Got Me. The cover was one of the photos from the shoot, with all four of us with our backs to the camera. I was happy with it - I loved the songs we'd come up with, I'd loved recording and mixing them...but I felt like it was a bad time to release our first album, during a 'ceasefire' which still set me on edge.

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