I Miss Them (Ch. 35)

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~Clementine's POV~

"I'm surprised that Stephanie doesn't know what had happened. I thought everyone had known since Jessica did that thing." I think.

*End of School*

I go to my locker when Stephanie walks up to me.

"What did yo-"

"Just leave me alone please." I snarl.

"Clem." She pleads.

"No one understands! Don't you get it? Just drop the subject!" I yell at her and walk towards Nicole. When she grabs on to my shoulder.

"Clem." She says soft.

"Fine you want to know so bad?!"


"My dad died when I was younger from a stroke! My mom died from brain damage! And now I live with Nicole! Ashton toys with my emotions and Tristan is just sending me mixed signals! Ashton said he loved me but I'm not so sure anymore! And as for you, you freaking makeout with him. He has broken my heart so many times and he just does this, it adds onto it. Ugh!! You don't even know how bad he can be sometimes. People shouldn't just do these kind of things to people! I-I don't understand what goes through people's heads. But I mean I'll never know. And there! You know my story! Now you can go tell Mary or someone! I'm so done with everything and I'm done with you!" I cry.

"Bye Stephanie." Is the last thing that leaves my lips.

Nicole notices me alongside Katelyn they hug me and give a dirty look to Stephanie.

We go home and I drop my things at the door and collapse. I miss them.

I start to sob and Nicole comforts me. I cry harder until Nicole's mom comes. Confused but tries to comfort me as well.

"I can't take this anymore I want my mom, I want my dad. Why did it have to be this way? I just want to end it all."

"Give me a knife." I mumble.

"What?!" Nicole says.

"Please. I just want to end this all." I beg.

"Sweetie please. Just wait a little longer." Nicole's mom pleads.

I get out of their grasp and try to make it to the kitchen but Nicole stops me.

I pass out. The last thing I see is Nicole's mom getting her phone out.

When I wake up I'm in a totally different room.

"Nicole?" I say.

"Clem." I make out a smile through my blurry vision.

"W-what happened?" I question.

"Clem, you wanted to... I can't even say." Her voice hurt.


"I knew you hadn't really gotten over your parents, even after you grieved but, I didn't expect you to become like this."

"What... what are you talking about."

"Clem, the last thing you said was 'Give me a knife.' And that scared me. Then you passed out and my mom called the ambulance."

"What? No!" I say in disbelief.

"What did Stephanie say to you? I heard yelling." She looks down.

"I... she... it's complicated. But I was just mad at her and told her she didn't even know what I had been going through and..."

"And you told her when she asked." Nicole finishes my sentence.

"Yeah. Um anyway. The nurse said when you wake up, I should call her in here to check on you and then we could go." Finishes with a smile.

"Okay." I agree.

The nurse looks at me and says I'm fine. She gave me a slip to a suicidal help hotline. She requested for me not to go to school for at least two days.

When we get home I find Ashton at the door.


"Oh, Ashton? What are you doing here?" I question.

"Um, I came to see you." He answers.

"We'll leave you two to it." Nicole says and grabs her mom's arm.

"Um, are you okay? I heard sirens and..." I interrupt him.

"I went to the hospital." I bluntly say.


"I passed out and I had been saying suicidal things? I don't really remember." I rub my head.


"I'm okay now but I need to talk to you."

"I'm listening."

"Did you tell Stephanie that you loved her?" I look down at his feet.

"Yes. But..."

"Okay, that's great." I mutter sarcasm filled in my voice.

"Clementine, I love you I don't know what I was thinking, it happened all to fast." He says

"Okay." I walk towards the door when I feel Ashton's hands push me against the wall.

My cheeks flush red. I feel excitement rush through me.

Ashton kisses me. He holds my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.

We kiss for a while and only stop for air.

"I love you." I whisper and he smirks.

"I love you too." He whispers back.

He fixes my hair and kisses me again. It felt electrifying and I loved it.

When we pull away we're panting.

"I'll see you later?" He hugs me and leaves.

I walk into the house and go upstairs to find Nicole

"You kissed him didn't you?" She chuckles.

"Maybe." I mutter with a smile.

"Just so you know. I don't like Ashton anymore. I found someone new."

"Oh really? Who?"



"Yeah, we've been texting and he's really sweet." She smiles at her phone.

"He rarely talks." I snicker.

"And I find that attractive." She does her childish smirk.

"Well, you two would be cute together." I smile.

So I have decided that this book will end at chapter 40. But don't fret! I have a surprise in the next chapter. I also want to say that suicide isn't a funny thing and is more common than it should be. If your dealing with depression, bullying or having suicidal thoughts then get help, no one should have to feel that way. If you feel offended by what I had wrote/typed in this particular chapter please comment so I could change it. I apologize if I did. But I hoped you liked this chapter. Bye!


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