Jealous Huh? (Ch. 17)

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~Clementine's POV~

"Wow. This kid is so nice. Tristan? Was his name? Ugh. He's too sweet!" I think while walking to the gym.

Just then my arm is pulled by someone and I hold out my index finger to Tristan, signaling him to wait.

"What?!" I say in frustration

"Great, just who I needed to see." I think rolling my eyes

"Who's that?" Ashton asks

"Who's who? Tristan?" I say annoyed

"Hmm Tristan huh? When did he..." I ignore Ashton as my mind drifts off into space.

"Can Ashton stop his rambling! I want to get back to dreamboat over there!"

"Clem are-" I stop him

"Ahem, Clementine for you, anyway go on."

"Clementine. Do you like him? Wait are you dating him?!" He says in disappointment and a little bit of anger.

"Wait. Is he jealous?" I think.

"Are you jealous?" I say smirking

"Wh-what? N-no. I mean.." he stutters

"Hmph, proves my point your never liked me." I say looking down.


"No. It's fine go off with Jessica. I mean you'd prefer a nasty rodent then go after a nasty rodent." I roll my eyes and walk away.

"Wow, that got kinda heated, and it got heated fast too." I think to myself going towards Tristan.

"Sorry, let's continue." I say smiling

"Of course" he replies with a smile on his face.

We make it to the gym. But we're late. But it's not like the teachers noticed. Today was a free day. So we were allowed to do whatever.

Tristan and I take a walk around the school. And during that walk....

"I think you'll like it here." I say

"And what makes you say that?" He smirks.

"Well. I regretted coming here too, but I actually like it here, surprisingly." I give out a chuckle.

"Maybe so. Besides I'd believe anything you'd say." He smiles

I playfully elbow him. He does the same thing back.

I do it again, and this ends up with me running and laughing and him chasing after.

I hide and...

"Eek!!" I let out a yelp

"Found you." He leans against the wall.

"Heh." I giggle

"Wow, doing that felt like we were first graders." He laughs and shakes his head.

"Maybe some of us still are." I look at him he playfully elbows me again.

I let out a small laugh. And just then the bell rings.

*Time Skip to Lunch*

I sit down and see Tristan looking for a place to sit. I call him over and he sits next to me.

"So, guys this is Tristan" I say

"Tristan these are my friends. Well one of them I can't exactly call my friend." I eyeball Ashton.

"This is Ashlie, Katelyn, Nicole, and Morgan. Also Andrew, Blake, Cole and..." I roll my eyes.

"This is Ashton." I say in an annoyed and sarcastic voice.

"So your the new kid, huh?" Ashton snarls

"Yeah, heh, that's me." Tristan says

"Tristan sounds somewhat nervous?" I contemplate

"Hey Tristan, what class do you have next?" I ask him.

"Uh, science." He answers

"Really? Cool. You can sit with me." I say smiling

"Ahem, Clementine, what about me?" Ashton says confused

"What about you?" I lightly laugh.

"Clementine, you sit with me." He replies

"Well. Tristan is new. And besides, I bet you'd rather want to sit with Jessica anyways." I turn to Tristan.

I can hear a growl come from Ashton. I can also feel a death glare from Ashton to Tristan.

"Heh, jealous much?" I say turning to Ashton

He looks down, trying to ignore me.

"I'll take that as a yes." I say somewhat happy and stand up.

I put my tray back and head to my locker. I get my things for my next two classes. I then meet Tristan so he and I can walk to science class.

When we enter the room, I can already see Jessica and Ashton together, laughing and talking.

My heart starts racing, and I feel hot. I didn't know what was happening. I felt anger rise up in me. The sight of them together?

"Ugh! This is disgusting! Wait..." I ponder.

"This feeling. Is this jealousy!?" I think before our teacher says...

"Take your seats class."

Short, I know but it's almost ten, and I'm tired and my phone is about to die so. Yeah.


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