Ice Cream and Confusion (Ch.22)

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~Clementine's POV~

"Heh, um." I pull away from Ashton.

"We should just um, like. Um yeah... we should go." I say.

"Ok." He replies.

"Yeah." I walk to the drivers seat.

"Um." I put my hands on the wheel.

"S-sorry, let's just go." I continue shaking my head.

"Ok..." Tristan says.

"Crap, I forgot he was in the car." I think.

We drive to the ice cream parlor. When we get there Nicole and Ashlie are already eating their ice cream.

"Well, well, well, you seriously cou-"

"What took you so long?" Nicole blurts out taking a lick of her ice cream.

"Um, t-traffic." I stutter.

"Sure..." Ashlie pulls me aside.

"So what really happened?" Ashlie whispers.

"Yeah tell us!" Nicole squeals

"Uh, ok. Well, Ashton and I kinda got into an argument... on the side of the road. There was a lot a yelling involved." I say blushing.

"Oh, so that's why your eyes look bloodshot. You were crying?" Ashlie says.

"Wait, Ashton made you cry?!" Nicole says angry.

"Hey, wait, calm down. Yeah I cried but he helped me realize that need to get over myself. I'm literally a teenage baby." I laugh.

"Clem, stop, you've been through alot." Ashlie says smiling.

"But that still doesn't give me a reason to always cry." I say.

"Anyway... did you kiss him?" Nicole asks.

"W-what? No. It was just a hug." I say

"Ok, sure. So um go get your ice cream." Ashlie points to the person behind the counter.

"Oh yeah. Ok, I'll be right back." I say.

I get vanilla ice cream. (Yes soo basic.) I decide to walk to Ashton.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask him.

"Of course." He says smiling.

We walk away from the group into our own little area.

"So about earlier. I wanted to say so-"

"And exactly why are you apologizing? I'm the one who made that whole argument happen." He says raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I did yell, alot, and cry, which was embarrassing, and well yeah, you get the point." I say.

"Clementine, I'm sorry for acting the way I did. And you don't need to apologize." He smiles.

"Well, I'm still sorry for you know the way I ha-" I see Ashton roll his eyes and he suddenly pulls me close.

He kisses me. I have a feeling that someone is watching us. But I kiss back.

We let go of each other and I smirk at him.

"What was that for?" I say.

"Well, let's say a kind way of getting you to shut up." He snickers.

"Oh be quiet." I laugh.

I turn around to see the girls, and a missing Tristan.

"Oh poop, did he leave? Did he leave cause I kissed Ashton?" I think.

"Um, yeah, sorry to break this up but Tristan is about to leave he's actually about call his mom right now." Ashlie says.

"Oh crap. Um hold guys." I rush to Tristan.

When reach Tristan I see him typing in the number.

"Hey Tristan, are you going home?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think you'd love to see that happen." He snaps

"Ok, I'm sorry for kissing Ashton. I don't... it was kind of... it just happened so quickly a-" I was interrupted.

"Clementine, it's okay, you're allowed to like other people. That's your choice to go after a person who you know is just going to hurt you." He says.

"Wow, okay, I feel bad for saying all those things to Ashton now."

"Wait... wait, y-you like me?" I say starting to grin and blink my eyes.

"Well, I started too. I know it's stupid but..."

I hug him.

"Okay?" He says confused.

"Just hug me back you idiot." Say into his chest.

I tell he's smiling and he hugs back.

I pull away from him.

"And you can leave if you want, but I'd be great if you stay for a few minutes?" I say.

"Uh, sure I'll stay." He says.

"Great, let's get back to the group." I say turning around when I'm turned back facing towards Tristan.

"But first..." he says smirking.

He kisses me. This was... new.

"Now we can go." He says grinning.

He walks past me. I stand there in shock, trying to process what had just happened.

"Did he just. He kissed me." I smile to myself. I walk back to the group.

I wonder who will it be. Tristan and Clementine? Or Ashton and Clementine? Anyway, hoped you like this chapter. Be expecting some conflict in the next one. Also, how about you go check out my friend madgirl2468 and her new book called 'Revenge' she published her first chapter today! Anyway bye. (Tell me if there are any spelling mistakes).


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