Stranded (Ch. 20)

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~Clementine's POV~


"You could move in with me permanently." Says Nicole.

"Nicole. You don't have too, besides, I don't think your parents are going to be ok with that." I say.

"You can't live alone in that house." She says

"You mean the house my mom bought when we first moved here? Yeah I can." I sigh

"Anyway... I'm calling my mom right now. I'm asking her." She insists.

I playfully roll my eyes and walk to my locker. There, stands Tristan. And from a distance is ugh... Ashton.

"Hey Trist-" I'm cut off by screaming.

"Ugh!! I can't even!"

"I hate when girls say that. 'I can't even' like what? Can't even finish a sentence? Wow. I'm such a big hypocrite." I think smirking.

Jessica charges up to me.

"You'll pay for this!" She yells in my face.

"What the?"

"I can't believe yo-" I cut her off.

"Um excuse me... what exactly did I do?" I asked annoyed.

"You put frozen cockroaches in my locker!" She screams

"Ha. As funny and awesome as that sounds. I can't take credit for it." I snicker.

"Ughh!!" She screams and stomps away.

"Gosh. My eardrum. I think I need a hearing aid after that."

"So um... that was exciting?" Tristan says somewhat smiling.

I smile. I feel a tap on my shoulder and it's Nicole.

"Um..." She's laughing she can't even finish her sentence.

"Clementine.... I-I'm sorry you had to take Jessica's screams. I-it was m-me who put those frozen cockroaches in her lock-locker." She bursts out laughing.

"Heh-heh." I laugh awkwardly.

"Anyw-" the bell cuts her off. And we head our different ways.

*Time Skip to Lunch*

I sit down when I feel a tap on my back.

Turns out Jessica's group had been throwing french fries at me. I ignored it. Until Jessica stood up.

"Oh gosh. Why is she walking over here?" I ask

"I don't know. Just be ready for all her stupidity." Katelyn says.

I laugh and so does Katelyn. But that laughter ended quick.


"What Jessica?" I ask agitated.

"So... I heard your mother passed." She says innocently

"Um.. yeah what about it?" I ask confused

"Well I mean how does it feel to have no parents? No one here for you. No one to help you." She says.

"Uh, yeah well, I got my friends." I say.

"Like they're actually your friends... trust me, they do not think so highly of you. Who would?" She says

"Well, you're wrong there." I say and turn around to see my friends with their heads down.

"What. No. They don't actually think of me that way do they?"

"Ok whatever. Also can I take a guess on  how your mom died? My guess is that she just couldn't handle you anymore." Jessica laughs

"Ok. Thanks Jessica, I've heard enough."I snap.

"Soon everyone will leave you. Like your da-" I cut her off

"How do you know about my dad?" I ask angry.

"Well everyone knows." She says as she does her annoying giggle.

"What?" I ask

"Well just take a look. At your locker over there." She does an evil smile and walks away.

"My locker?" I stand up and walk to my locker.

"What?! How did she get m-"

"It's called a key loser." I hear Jessica say.

I look at my locker. Turns out she had put my file on my locker after I left for first period. It has everything on it. My dad's death. My mom and I moving so many times. My embarrassing doctor visits. the latest one, my mom's death. And that I was now an orphan.

"I can't believe she'd do this." I say quietly yet furious. I rip off my file.

I charge towards Jessica.

~Katelyn's POV~

I see Clementine charge towards Jessica. There's fury in her eyes.

"Oh my..."  I gasp and run towards Clementine.

~Clementine POV~

I was about to hit Jessica. When Katelyn holds me back.

"Clementine don't!" She yells

"Why? She deserves this. All she's ever caused for me is hurt and pain!" I yell.


"Let go of me!" I scream. I yank my arm away from Katelyn. By that time everyone had come out of the cafeteria.

I try to calm myself down. I walk away. I grab the books I need and pack up.

"Clementine. Where are you going?" Ashlie questions.

"Isn't it obvious?" I say annoyed.

"Clem. You can't live in that house. You can't live by yourself." Nicole says

"Where do you want me to go? I don't exactly have parents, let alone a parent at the moment. Or friends..." I say disappointed.


"Please... just leave me alone. I don't want your pity. I don't want fake friendships. But what I do want is to go home. You may not be my friends but you can at least tell my teachers I went home sick." I say shutting my locker and walking away.

"What a crappy day." I say walking home.

I hear the lunch bell ring. So everyone is gone to class.

When I finally get home the first thing I notice is that it's dark and sad in here. I've been staying with Nicole ever since the incident.

"Wow. I miss this place." I sigh

I see a picture of me and my mom. I walk up to it and grab it.

"I miss you..." I say as a tear rolls down my face.

"Well, I am taking this with me." I say, as I take all of this in.

Tried to make it longer, but couldn't come up with anything else. Soo.... yeah. Also go follow my friend abby_v07 she just published her first chapter. Take a look at it.


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