The Sleepover (Ch. 12)

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~Clementine's POV~

Morgan text me asking if I could join her and the girls tonight for a sleepover at her house. Of course I accept and and she replies saying great. She texts me saying to be there at 6:00.

I walk downstairs to find my mom making herself a snack. She turns when she hears me.

"Hey Clem." She says

"Hey mom." I answer back

"So... Um can I go to a sleepover at Morg's tonight?" I ask

"Of course" she agrees.

"Yay. Thanks mom." I say and run up the stairs

"I have 3 hours to pack. I need pajamas, my toothbrush, hmmm. Oh and my curling iron. Day clothes for the next morning." I think I start to pack.

I pack a plain black crop top that reaches halfway down my stomach with high waisted flower print shorts and black vans. I pack my curling iron and a white headband. Along with a lotion and a perfume. I stuff everything in my bag. Then grab a soft blanket and a small pillow and stuff it in there.

I decide to change and take a quick shower to refresh myself. I keep my hair in a ponytail. I get dressed in a red crop top that reaches halfway down my stomach. I throw on a black skirt and slip on my red vans. I put on deodorant and brush my teeth ever so quickly then stuff my toothbrush, toothpaste and my deodorant into my bag.

I walk downstairs to find that it's almost 6. I say goodbye to my mom. She gives me a snack and I'm out the door.

I arrive at Morgan's place 1 minute before 6. I grab my bag and walk in. Her dad greets and I find Morgan placing blocks with this girl I've never seen before.

"Oh hey Clem!" She says and gets up to hug me.

"Here put your stuff in my room." She says

"Ok" I reply

I walk up to her room and drop my things next to her bed. I walk downstairs and Morgan introduces me to this girl named Ashlie.

"Ashlie meet Clem" Morgan says

"Hi nice to meet you, my name's Ashlie." She holds out a hand.

"Hey, name's Clementine, but you can call me Clem." I shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you" I add in.

Just then Nicole and Katelyn knock on the door. I answer it.

"Hey guys." I say.

"Hey." They both reply back in unison.

I find Katelyn looking past me.

"Oh Ashlie is here too." Katelyn says

"Who?" Nicole butts in with her face drawn with confusion.

"Ashlie. Yeah, Nicole should go meet her." I say

"Katelyn, Nicole!" Morgan adds in while walking towards us.

She gives them a hug a tells them that they can drop their things in her room.

When they come back down. Nicole introduces herself to Ashlie. Afterwards we decide to paint our nails. I paint my nails a pinkish nude color.

Later on we go out to get pizza. When we come back we change into our pajamas. I wear my black shorts and over sized galaxy t-shirt. We watch a movie and end up staying up till 3 am.

We played Truth or Dare.

"Hmm. Ok Ashlie, truth or dare?" Asks Nicole.

"Umm. Truth." She answers.

"Is it true you like someone?" Nicole asks

"Yes..." Ashlie says blushing.

"Ok, Katelyn...."

We go on until Morgan says my name.

"Clementine truth or dare?" She asks me

"Truth." I answer confidently.

"Is it true you want to hurt Jessica?" She asks me

"Heh, um well, I can't lie, yes I do."

"Ok um Ashlie. Truth or dare?" I ask

"Dare" she answers

"I dare you to tell me who you like." I say while raising an eyebrow.

"Ha, um.." she says, her face blushing.

"I I like Ashton" she finally spits out.

Suddenly I feel a pit in my stomach. I feel tears filling my eyes.

"Trust me. You don't want him." I say looking down.

"I uh. Excuse me, sorry, I need to go to the bathroom." I say while standing and run to the bathroom.

~Katelyn's POV~

"Oh. Poor Clem. I guess she still thinks about him." I say

"What?" Ashlie says confused.

"Ashlie... Ashton was Clem's, uh I guess you could say friends with benefits? They liked each other a lot but.." Nicole freezes when Morgan butts in.

"It had turned out Ashton still had feelings for Jessica. And pretty much left Clem in the dust." Morgan says looking down.

"Oh no, I feel so bad! I didn't know." Ashlie says apologetically.

"It's ok. You didn't know. And it's not like you can stop your feelings for Ashton." I say.

"I need to go apologize. I feel so bad for just bringing it up." Ashlie says standing up as she heads to the bathroom.

Yes. Another cliffhanger. And I finally got enough energy today to make a page/chapter almost 800 words long. I haven't done this many words since like chapter/page 4? Anyway byee.


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