A Troubled Heart (Ch. 8)

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~Ashton's POV~

I push Jessica off me and scoff.

"What is wrong with you!" I yell at her

"What? I missed you." she says all so innocent

"Can you get it in your head that we are over? I will never come back to you!" I yell as I stand up to find Clementine.

I finally find her, she's not sobbing but not lightly crying, it's just in the middle. I walk over. She sees me approaching and runs off. Morgan and Nicole look at each other in confusion, but then turn to see me.

They roll their eyes.

"What do you want?" Nicole hisses

"I'm... I want to tell her that I'm so-" I'm cut off by Morgan.

"If you were sorry you would've pulled away faster. What took you so long! She was crying, she was upset. You practically tore her down!" She yells in my face.

"I'm sor-" I say but yet again, I'm cut off.

"Don't apologize to us, apologize to the girl you hurt. Apologize to Clementine." Nicole says more calm.

Her and Morgan walk off back to the cafeteria.

*Two Minutes till Lunch Ends*

I hurry to find Clementine. I find her sitting outside on the bench. She had her hands covering her face.

"Clem?" I say softly.

No answer.

"Clem?" I say a little louder

"What do you want?" She hisses

"Clem, I'm so sor-" I'm cut off by her soft angelic voice.

"Did... did you.." she sighs

"Did you... kiss her... back?" She says looking down.

"No, why would I?" I say surprised.

"Then what took you so long!" She snapped at me while gently smacking my chest.

"Clem, I..I..."

"You what? Let me guess you still like her? Heh, I knew it. I sho-" I cut her off by kissing her gently on her lips.

~Clementine's POV~

I'm stopped by Ashton's warm lips kissing me. When he pulls away I blush.

"I like you, and only you" he says

I give him a sheepish smile and he hugs me.

Ashton holds me close as we start to walk back when the bell rings. He let's me loose and we part.

'Ello. Next page/chapter will be somewhat of a collaborative page/chapter with again xXxX_kawaii_XxXx which will be going up later today.


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