Going to Court? (Ch. 26)

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~Clementine's POV~
-Still Wednesday
-And yes still at school...

I'm walking towards Nicole so we can go home. When someone shouts my name. It's Tristan.

"Hey, are you okay? From the whole ordeal in the cafeteria?" He asks.

"I'm fine. I just..." I sigh.

"Thanks Tristan for checking up on me." I hug him.

"No problem." He hugs back.

I wave, walking away. I get to Nicole and we go home.

At home she grabs my hand and rushes me upstairs. She shuts the door behind us.

"Clem are you okay. What was with all the screaming earlier at lunch?" She asks.

"Oh. Um... Ashton and I were arguing. His jealousy has really... I don't even know." I say.

"Oh. What wa-" Nicole was interrupted by a banging at the door. It was a government officer.

"Why is there an officer here?"

"Hello. My name is Carson Daniels. I'm here to see... Clementine." His voice serious.

"Why is he here to see me?"

He looks past Nicole's Mom and up where Nicole and I are standing on the stairs.

"And I'll guess that you are her." He points to me.

"Um. Correct Sir." I speak out.

"May I come in?" He asks.

"Of course!" Nicole's mom says.

We all sit at the dinner table and I start to talk.

"So, what's happening?" I ask.

"Your mother and father have passed correct?" He questions.

"Yes they have. Sadly." I say not so shaken up this time.

"Which makes you an orphan by the state correct?" He questions again.

"Yes, I guess so. But where are you getting at?" I say wanting an answer.

"Well, what I'm getting at is. You'll have to go to court to find a new family, well get adopted." He rephrases.

"But I'm fine here." I state.

"Clementine, you are at the age of 16. But emancipation is not possible in this circumstance." He answers.

"Why isn't it possible?" I ask.

"You need signatures from both your biological parents. Without those signatures you can't be emancipated." he says.

"You could stay here knowing you're birthday is soon. And after another year after that. You will no longer be a minor by the state. But you need to go to court to show that the people who live here are capable of caring for you."

"Excuse me?" Nicole's mom says offended.

"To show that you do not abuse, or hurt your children in anyway." He says.

"Trust me, that won't be a problem." She answers.

"Still you must all go to court. But if the judge decides you need to be adopted or go to a foster home. Then I will have to pull you away from this home. They will have an investigator to come look at the house to see if it's up to date, and to see if it's a safe environment for Clementine." He says standing up.

"I will send an email about the courthouse and where it is. All of this is happening next week on Friday." He says leaving closing the door.

"Well. That's just great." I walk up to Nicole's room with Nicole behind me.

"Hey. It's going to be okay. And all we need to do is change the smoke alarm. You can still live with us!" She says with hope in her smile.

"And if something goes wrong?" I say tearing up.

"Nothing will happen. I promise." Nicole hugs me.

"Good, cause I really like living here." I lightly laugh into her shoulder.

And that's it for now. A short cjapter, I know. But the next one may take a while. And there's a surprise in it. You probably can't even guess. Comment any errors - of course. Anyway comment in general, vote! And bye!


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