When the Drama Begins (Ch. 10)

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Morgan finally decides on a ride called the "Chinese Dragon" it was our turn to get on the ride. We start to get on when I'm dragged by an arm and pulled away from Ashton. I look up to see Jessica sitting next to him.

"Ugh, this again? I'm really ticked off at her now." I ponder.

I see her try to go in to kiss Ashton when he pulls away and quickly gets off the ride. With Jessica following him.

He comes and hugs me

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize"

"It's fine" I giggle as he lifts me off my feet.

"Ahem?!" We hear from behind us

Ashton puts me down and we turn around.

"What do you think your doing?" Jessica yells

I raise an eyebrow.

"Ashton what are you doing with this lowlife.."

"Did she really just...?"

"Self absorbed..." she keeps going

"Is she still going?"

"Selfish, annoying..." she continues

"I'm done one more word and..."

"Loser freak!" She shouts

I snap.

I pin her to the ground. I didn't really know what was happening, my anger just kicked in.

This is when the ride that Morgan had chose had finished. She runs over to me with Blake quickly behind.

Jessica screams then pushes me off her. She then gets up and kisses Ashton again.

"I can't do this anymore!" I think to myself in anger and sadness.

I push her off but she goes right back again. This time Ashton pushing her off. She goes right back again.

But the thing that made me more upset than ever was when I saw Ashton kiss back. They stay like that for a few minutes.

I collapse to the ground. Morgan hugs me and helps me up. We walk out of the carnival and Blake and Morgan drive me home. I sobbed the whole way there.

~Ashton's POV~

I kissed her back. I kissed Jessica back.

"What is wrong with me?! I can't still like Jessica could I?" I thought to myself.

I push her off me and walk away. I try to find Clementine, but to my seeing, she's already getting in the car with Blake and Morgan. I watch them leave.

"I'm a terrible person." I contemplate while shaking my head. I head to my car and drive home.

~Clementine's POV~

Morgan walks me to my door and I thank her.

"I'm so sorry Clem" she says apologetically while giving me a hug.

I don't say anything but I just hug her back.

She walks away and waves goodbye. I wave goodbye with a weak smile on face. I walk into my house and see my mom watching tv.

She notices quickly.

"Clem, what's wrong?" She asks worried

I start to cry again and she comforts me.

"Mom..." I start between breaths

"It... it was Ashton" I cry harder, even saying his name hurts.

"What did he do?" She asks more worried.

"He kissed another girl, right in front of me!" I start to bawl. (Yeah it sounds ridiculous but it really hurt me.)

"Aww. Don't worry honey." She says while petting my hair.

She makes me soup as if I were sick.

"Thanks mom" I say with tears on my face.

We watch TV. Soon we decide to go to bed. I take a shower, brush my teeth and brush out my hair. I get into my shorts and somewhat over sized t - shirt. I go to bed with heart broken memories of Ashton and Jessica kissing as it plays over and over in my head.

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