Baring Bad News (Ch. 18

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~Clementine's POV~
*End of school*

I wave goodbye to Katelyn and Ashlie. I turn to find Tristan at his locker.

"So, how was your first day?" I ask him.

"Great. Mostly because I got to spend it with you." He smiles.

I smile back.

"So you're heading home?" He asks.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Need any help with that science homework?" Asks pleads.

"Well, I'm going home, then to the doctor's office." I reply.

"Oh, going for a check up?" He asks.

"Heh. If life was only that easy. I'm taking my mom. She was umm... kinda hit by a car." I say oddly calm.

"Oh! I'm sorry, is she okay?" He asks.

"She's fine. Anyway I should be getting home." I respond.

"Wait Clem! You know I could do you homework for you." He says.

"What?" I answer in shock.

"You have a lot on your plate. Let me help you out." He says.

"Tristan, thanks, but no. That's not fair on you." He gives me a hug.

I wave and walk away.

When I hear someone being slammed against the lockers. I turn around to see Ashton pushing on Tristan's chest.

I run towards him and I push Ashton off.

"Hey. If you know what's good for you. You'd stay away from Clementine." He says in an angered voice.

"Hey!" I shout and push Ashton off Tristan.

"What's your problem?!" I yell at Ashton.

"Clementine, he can't just get all ov-"

"Get over yourself! It was just a hug. Besides, I'm not yours Ashton." I scowl at him.

"Cle-" I ignore him.

"Are you ok Tristan? I'm sorry for Ashton behavior." I turn around and scowl at Ashton again.

"I'm fine." He says somewhat shaken up.

I give one more look at Ashton and walk away.

"I can't believe Ashton, his jealousy is just... I don't even know..." I think as I'm walking away.

*Time Skip to Home*

When I get home I go and check on my mom. She's awake, and ready to go.

We hop in my car, cause I don't want her driving hers. And we head to the doctor's

"Ok Clementine. Your mother is showing good signs so far. But I want to examine more to make sure." He smiles and walks out of the room.

They had taken pictures of her head and took x-rays of her brain. I'm smiling with my mom when the doctor comes back in baring horrible news.

"... Clementine, I'm so sorry." He says.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask desperately wanting an answer.

"Your mother... your mother has brain damage. She hasn't long until she passes." He says slowly.

"What?" I feel tears coming out.

"I'm sorry dear. I'll leave you two alone." He says as he walks out of the room.

"I... can't... believe.. this." My mom says.

"Mom?" I look at her.

"I'm so sor-" I stop her.

"Why are you apologizing? For getting hit by a car? That wasn't your fault. I should've been there. I'm sorry." I apologize.

"Clementine no... don't blame yourself." She says.

I hug her.

"I'm so sorry mom..." I say as tears fall down my face.

I decide to call the doctor back in to ask how much time she has.

"Oh... she... she has about a month or less before the brain damage gets to her... completely." He says.

"I'm sorry, to bring news like this." He says and walks out of the room.

"A months or less? A freaking month!! This can't be happening." I feel more tears flood my eyes.

We leave the doctor's office and go home.

At home I tell my mom for her to get to bed and I'll make dinner for the two of us.

I decide to make her her favorite dish, spaghetti.

I give her her food and she eats. I sit on her bed and start to eat as well. We laugh and talk about the weirdest things.

"I love you mom." I smile

"I love you too Clem." She smiles back and gives me a hug.

I know short again. But I'm trying.


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