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When the shaking stopped, Terrell was the first to move. He dashed for the door, picking up his board along the way.

The twins exchanged glances and Naomi jumped off the counter. She rushed over to hide behind Alegra. Sahara held her breath. She didn't know why, but part of her expected something big was about to happen. There were a few moments of silence.

"Well...that was interesting," Alegra finally said.

"Are we still alive?" Reagan, who had squeezed his eyes shut, opened them again.

"What just happened?" Sahara asked.

Arden shrugged. "The last time the city shuddered was when our engines stopped..."

"Maybe they started up again," Sahara suggested.

Arden shook his head. " doesn't feel like it."

"Are we going to die?" Naomi asked Alegra.

Alegra placed a comforting hand on her head. "That's not possible, Naomi. Remember why?"

Naomi nodded. "I have to live until a really old age or else you will haunt me."

Alegra nodded.

Just what other things has she been teaching her? Sahara couldn't help but wonder.

"Whatever happened," Alegra looked up, "I'm sure Terrell headed out to find out. He'll probably let us know when he gets back." The words were barely out of her mouth when the door opened. All eyes turned to it to see Orion enter. He was carrying a large paper bag.

"Anyone know what Terrell's up to?" Orion asked as he shut the door behind him. "He just zoomed past me." He turned back around.

"Didn't you feel the city shake?" Arden gave him a questioning look.

Orion nodded, his face showing little concern.

"And you aren't worried in the least?" Arden added.

"If it was the engines starting up again we'd be feeling it. If it was a hole in the bubble we'd all be dead...same if it was the ventilation system providing our air. Therefore, it can't be anything too serious," Orion explained as he walked over. He lifted the bag he had in one hand. "I got what you asked for."

"Perfect." Alegra took the bag from him. She placed it on the table and pulled out three big bags filled with lollipops. Opening one, she grabbed a handful and began to hand them out.

"Oh, I was wanting one. Thanks," Reagan beamed.

"They're not for you to eat," Alegra replied as she gave Arden, followed by Sahara, a bunch.

Reagan's face fell.

"Just what is going on?" Orion asked as he, too, was given a handful.

"They're for Terrell," Alegra replied. "Always keep some on you. If he gets grumpy, give him one. If he asks for strawberry milk, or is about to buy some, give him one. If he gets angry..."

"Give him one," the twins finished off for her.

"Right." Alegra nodded. She looked pleased that they had caught on.

"It's like the ultimate Terrell repellent!" Reagan beamed.

Orion gave them all a blank stare.

"To help him withdraw from strawberry milk," Sahara explained as she stuffed some of the lollipops into her pockets, "Alegra's trying to get Terrell addicted to something that won't run out as fast."

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