Hoax Unveiled

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"Mine!" Naomi's yell echoed through the streets.

"No you twerp, it's mine," Terrell's voice came in reply.

Sahara looked up from the stall where she was buying kebabs and Alegra walked over from where she had bought drinks. Terrell and Naomi were seated next to each other on a half wall, Naomi's legs dangling while Terrell's were on the floor.

"If you two can't get along, then we're going to have to separate you," Alegra told them sternly.

Terrell and Naomi glared at each other.

Sahara couldn't hide the smile as she turned and paid for the kebabs. Earlier that day, Jack had tracked down a carton of strawberry milk from somewhere. In the end he had 'given' it to Terrell in order to make the boy pay his full tab. Being a sucker for strawberry milk, it hadn't taken but a few seconds for Terrell to cave. Naomi, however, didn't seem to quite want to give up the drink to Terrell.

"Tell the twerp to back off," Terrell commanded.

Alegra's eyes narrowed. "Just who do you think you're talking too?" she asked as she handed Naomi one of the drinks.

Sahara returned to the group, carrying the kebabs with her. She couldn't resist the smile as Alegra and Terrell began to argue. It had been three days since Terrell's return. They'd already won two more races, thanks to Alegra and Orion, and things were looking like they were almost back to normal...almost. The only thing missing was the twins.

Terrell, as promised, had found their location, yet Sahara was hesitant about going to get them. It wasn't that she didn't want them back...she just still felt like things were her fault for betraying them. She needed some time to muster her courage, especially after going after Terrell like she had.

"What are you spacing out for?"

Sahara looked up to see that Terrell was holding out a hand towards her.

"I asked if you were planning to hand those out or not today?"

"Sorry," Sahara replied as she gave him a kebab. Alegra and Naomi got theirs too. Sahara glanced around. "Where's Orion?"

"Disappeared somewhere muttering something about needing to check up on stuff," Terrell replied as he munched on the kebab. He patted the empty space beside him. "Sit."

Sahara moved to do so, but Alegra grabbed her arm and pulled her back. The girl turned to glare at Terrell. "Ever since you've come back you keep making her sit next to you all the time."

"So?" Terrell asked without looking like he was paying attention.

Alegra's eyes narrowed. "She's not a pet you can just command to sit."

"I know."

"Then stop making her!"

"Maybe I like her sitting next to me," Terrell replied calmly. He looked up, a smirk appearing on his face. "And maybe she likes sitting next to me."

"You creeper!" Alegra yelled as she proceeded to swat him.

Terrell protested as he tried to defend himself.

"Children," Naomi declared in disgust as she jumped off the wall and came to stand beside Sahara. "You think they'll ever grow up?" The little girl turned her head up to shoot Sahara a questioning look.

Sahara couldn't help but smile. "I don't know if that's possible."

"Hmm," came Noami's thoughtful reply as she pulled out a lollipop from her pocket. She had most likely snatched it from the supply kept for Terrell.

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