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Though injured, the twins propped each other up and fought with a new intensity. Orion was equally matched with Jay and the two had moved off to the side as they continued to try to each get the upper hand. Alegra moved gracefully, avoiding blows from guys who seemed a bit more hesitant about hitting her. When one actually managed to land a blow, she dropped to her knees and made a big fuss. He at once began to apologize when Alegra made a remarkable recovery and punched him across the jaw.

However, out of everyone, it was Terrell who caught Sahara's eyes. There was such an intensity about him that she couldn't describe. He kept his hands in his pocket for a good while, simply kicking those who approached. However, when he removed them and began to use his fists, Sahara's mouth dropped. Guys dropped left and right. When one charged, Terrell sidestepped, grabbed the guy, and used his own momentum to flip him. Before the guy even landed, Terrell punched the next guy in the stomach and then added an uppercut.

"Cool," Naomi's eyes sparkled. When a guy stumbled past her she stuck out a leg. The guy tripped and tumbled to the ground.

Just what am I watching here? Sahara wondered as she stared at the chaos before her.

"Well I certainly stumbled across an interesting scene. They been fighting long?"

"About five..." Sahara's head whipped around to stare at the guy who had come up from behind to stand beside her.

He turned to look at her and she found herself staring at a pair of twinkling blue eyes. Though he looked to have platinum blond hair, it was filled with blue. For a moment, Sahara simply looked at it in surprise. It didn't look horrible...she'd just never seen anyone with this kind of hair before. The home she had stayed at didn't really allow much space for creativity.

"Who are you?"

Like Terrell, the newcomer was wearing baggy pants. His were black and filled with all sorts of white designs at the sides. A dark hat hung attached to his pants and he wore boarding boots; though a board was nowhere in sight. On top of it, he wore a baggy light sweater; even though it wasn't cold at all.

"Just someone passing by," he told Sahara. "Heard the noise and thought something interesting could be happening. Turns out I was right." His gaze returned to the fight. "Race gone wrong?"

"Why do you have blue hair?" Naomi asked him as she gazed at him in wonder.

"Doesn't it look cool?" the guy asked in reply.

Naomi scrunched up her face in thought.

The guy ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. "That's what the girl who did it said."

"You might have been conned," Naomi told him seriously.

The guy chuckled. He looked up again only to freeze. His eyes widened.

Sahara turned to look who he was looking at. Terrell held a guy by his collar, his fist frozen inches from his face as he too, stared at the newcomer. "Noah?"

"Terrell?" the guy beside Sahara, who Terrell had addressed as Noah, asked in disbelief.

"Here." Terrell pushed the guy he had been holding over to Noah.

Noah caught him in surprise.

"We'll talk later," Terrell told him before he turned just in time duck a blow aimed at him.

" know each other?" Sahara asked as she watched Noah dump the guy on the ground next to him.

"Know him?" Noah looked amused at the thought. Not giving any further explanation, he walked forward. He knocked a guy in his way to the side with a kick a lot like Terrell's. "I looked everywhere for you!" Sahara heard him tell Terrell as he came to stand beside him.

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