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I couldn't find Hazil, but I'd found Percy.  And then a drakon had found us.

"Oh my Gods!" Leo and Calypso had just entered the room and drawn their weapons, followed by Grover and Sophie.

"Need help?" Grover asked sarcastically.

"Little bit would be nice, yeah," Percy said.

"What's are strategy?" I asked.

"To kill it before it kills us," Percy answered.  I rolled my eyes.  There's nothing that annoys me more than unorganized battle. 

"Leo, Calypso, distract while Percy and I come from behind.  Grover, Sophie, it would be really helpful if you could bind the drakon down with vines," I said, knowing Grover and a Bacchus child would excel at this helpful task. 

"Okay let's do this," Leo said.  We nodded and fanned out. 

"Hey, ugly, your scales make you look fat," Leo teased, probably just to give us a chuckle. 

"Hey, don't pay attention to him, he's all scrawny, he would taste very good.  He'd probably taste like metal, because he's definitely part cyborg," Calypso taunted.

"Hey!" Leo said.

But the drakon wasn't really interested, it was more interested in the shiny weapons Percy and I held in our hands and how tasty we might've looked.  Personally, I really don't think I would've tasted good, but the drakon thought otherwise.  Reed pipes began to play and vines twisted, curled, curled, and spiraled up the drakon so fast it was like someone had pushed the fast forward button on life.  The drakon struggled in outrage and let out a few howls, but it was pretty stuck.  Percy was going up for the kill, when a spear flew past him and impaled the monster into dust. 

"Clarisse, that was mine, I called dibs!" Percy complained as Clarisse walked to the pile of dust and picked up her spear.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just too good, Jackson.  You probably wouldn't have killed it anyways, just mad it mildly annoyed," she smirked, "if you'll excuse me, I have an entire squad of emposi to kill," she walked away. 

"Emposi!" Percy complained.  He and I both had a bone to pick with a particular emposi.

"We better go," Leo said, already heading for the door.

"Grover," Sophie said, "what you did back there...how calm you were... Your hot," Sophie said. Grover pulled her into a kiss. He also let out a baa at one point.

"No pda!" Leo yelled.

"We've got emposi to kill," Percy swung ripetide around.

As a team, we ran for the gym.

Wow. I didn't know this many emposi existed. All but a few of the cheerleaders were emposi. I wasn't very surprised to see that Lindsay was an emposi, as well as Alana. They always had evil qualities. The only girls on the squad that weren't emposi were Karen, Jen, and Tessa. The rest were fanged freaks, and I'm not using the word freaks lightly. One foot was like an animal hoof, and the other looked like it was made from scratch out of sticks and tin cans.

There were also emposi that I recognized from various activities, like Jamie from the volley ball team, Avery from lacross, Tara and two others from the swim team, and three other girls from death games.  It hurt to see Jamie with fangs, because she was known to be the good girl who was very nice. But I changed my mind about her whole personality once she lunged at me, fangs and all. Quickly, I raised my dagger that plunged into her chest. Jamie went limp and fell to dust.

"Percy Jackson!" A rather angry Lindsay yelled.

"Ooh, it will feel nice to be able to plunge a knife in your back without getting detention," I said. Finally, the moment has come.

"We'll see about that!" A voice from behind me said. When I turned around, I saw another old friend that I wanted to kill... Well, kill again.

"Kelly, your hair extensions look terrible," I snapped sassily.

"You will look terrible when I rip up your face and drag you to Tartarus," Lindsay said.

"No wonder you never kept a date for long, your crazy!" I said, giving her a mighty slash, but she blocked it, chopping off her nails in the process. So much for those constant manicures.

"In Tartarus, you will be my hopeless, tortured slave!" Lindsay shouted.

"Wow really dramatic," I slashed, stabbed, and deflected her claws and lunges. I faked a left stab and slashed to the right, but she dodged and I only cut of her hand instead of her head. Dammit, so close!

"Kelly, a little help here, if we double team, we can make sure he dies painfully!" Lindsay hissed. She made the mistake of turning her attention to Kelly. Because, I took that window of opportunity and stabbed her in the back. Slowly, she melted into dust, it trickled down her like syrup, and then suddenly, poof! She sank to dust.

Kelly let out a mildly annoyed sigh, acting like she wasn't even fazed by seeing her friend be diminished to dust. They probably weren't that close.

"I guess your just used to being defeated by demigods," I said cockily.

"No, I just never really liked her, she was so annoying. And now you will spend eternity with her in Tartarus," she lunged, and clawed, but I dodged and swiped.

Our cycle continued, me slashing and stabbing, her scratching and growling. Finally, I miss tuck and she kicked me to the ground. Quickly, she kicked me down again before I could get up and placed her foot on top of me. Squirming was no use, I was stuck. To my luck, she just incinerated into a mere dust pile. Annabeth was standing behind her with her dagger having just plunged into Kelly's back.

"No one hurts you but me," she smiled, pulling me up with one hand.

"Thanks," I leaned over and kissed her.

"Little help," Clairisse called. She was outnumbered by emposi.

We began to rush over. Clairisse parried and stabbed with ease, taking down 3 in twenty seconds. Around her, an aura began to glow red, getting stronger by every swipe of her sword. Annabeth and I jumped in and we took down as many as we could. Soon, we were no longer out numbered. The numbers were even.

A knife whizzed past my head. What used to be Avery had thrown the dagger, intending to impale me, I'm assuming. Clarisse was now coming at Jamie, charging fast with her sword ready. But Jamie side stepped, knocked Clarisse's sword to the side just long enough for her to sink her dagger into Clarisse's chest.

"No!" Annabeth screamed, "no!" It was a full one crisis scream. With a couple moves Annabeth had disarmed Avery and knocked her to the ground. Slowly Annabeth dug her dagger into where a human's stomach would be and twisted it. And the most painful death of the day goes to...

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