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The knife hit the floor beside Hazil with a metal pang.  She did a dramatic cry in pain, stifling laughter. 

"Take that 40's girl.  I never liked you anyways.  Oh and boys, don't try coming in or your next,"  I tried to say as savagely as possible. 

"I fell in love with a psycho.  Maybe it was all those years in Ogygia that finally got her.  I blame Percy," Leo said, fear evident in his voice.

Hazil got up very loudly, fake coughed- which I don't mean to be a stickler, but her fake cough wasn't very good- and raised her knife.

"Begone psychotic bitch," she made a three fingered claw sign over her heart and pushed out. To her surprise, and mine, I collapsed, blacked out, the lights shut off. The next thing I saw was the familiar green grass of Ogygia.

"Calypso!" I heard Hazil call.  I heard her, but couldn't reach her. Then, I was disconnected from the mortal world, fully immersed in Ogygia.

Authors note
Yeah, I know it was short, but this seemed like a perfect place to leave it.

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