Chapter Twenty-One

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Sean and Sparrow were just leaving to go to Mark's apartment to tell him the good news.

They got to the building, and got to Mark's door. Sean knocked, and seconds later, he heard shuffling feet and a few words of conversation. Mark opened the door soon enough, and Ember was behind him by about two feet.

"Hey guys," Mark said, "What's up?"

Sparrow held her hands behind her back, waiting to show her and Sean's friends the ring.

"Just came by to visit," Sean said, a smile creeping onto his face.

"Well come on in then," Mark said with a smile, moving slightly out of the way for his friends to come in.

Sparrow and Sean turned towards Mark and Ember once they were inside. Sean looked at Sparrow and nodded.

Sparrow revealed her hands and showed her left ring finger. Mark's jaw dropped and Ember covered her mouth.

"FINALLY!" Mark said first, running over to the couple and giving them a bear hug.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Ember said shortly afterwards, joining the group hug.

"We should all celebrate today," Mark said after they pulled away from the hug. He put his arm around Ember's torso, placing a small kiss on her head.

Ember blushed a little bit. She still hadn't grown used to Mark's small moments of affection.

They hadn't shared "I love you"'s yet, but Ember wanted it to be soon. She wasn't one hundred percent if she loved Mark yet, though they'd been dating for about three weeks already. She knew that she cared about him a great deal, she just couldn't quite tell if she loved him.

Ember wanted to ask to move in soon, but she wasn't sure if Mark wanted her to. She was really insecure of other people's care about her. She always thought that they'd been lying to her, to make her feel better about herself and to give her pity, but she tried her hardest to believe someone when they said they cared.

Ember hadn't realized that she'd been lost in thought until Mark waved his hand in front of her face, "Earth to Ember."

She snapped back to reality and gave Mark a small smile, "Yeah I'm okay. Just lost in thought I guess."

"Okay," Mark smiled, "We're gonna go to lunch together."

"We walking?" Sean asked.

"Yeah," Mark smiled, "You and Sparrow go on. Ember and I'll catch up."

Sparrow and Sean left the apartment, and Ember had a confused expression on her face.

Mark leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She kissed back, and a few seconds later they pulled apart.

"I love you, Ember," Mark said, a big smile across his face.

Ember grinned and kissed him again. After they pulled away, Ember, too, said, "I love you."

Now she was sure.


The group went downtown to a locally owned restaurant. They stayed there for a little longer than a half hour, and they just went back to Mark's apartment to hang out.

They'd decided to watch a film, but they didn't really watch it. They basically just talked throughout the whole thing.

"I seriously don't know what I'd do without you guys," Mark started saying a few minutes after the movie began, "I probably wouldn't even be here right now if it wasn't for Sean alone."

"Aw, man," Sean said, "Don't get super emotional on us, Markimoo!"

"Can't help it," Mark smiled, "I always overthink and get all weird when I really think about it."

Ember hugged Mark's torso and rested her head on his chest. He put his chin on the top of her head.

"So what's the deal with life?" Sparrow asked, "Like... it's weird..."

"Hey, stop freaking me out!" Sean said, kissing Sparrow's cheek.

"I'm with Sparrow," Ember said, "It's so weird, like brains are weird, and senses, and just... life..."

"I have a question for you, Ember," Mark said a few seconds after a bit of silence.

"What do you need to ask me?" Ember asked.

"Will you move in with me?" Mark asked, "I mean, you're here a lot as is. It's really nice to see you so much."

"Yes," Ember answered a bit too quickly. She smiled.

"Hey, congrats!" Sparrow said, ruffling Mark's hair, making it extra floofy.

"Yeah!" Sean pitched in, a big grin on his face.

Ember poked her tongue out in a goofy fashion. Mark noticed and poked her nose.

"You guys are too cute," Sparrow said.

"Yeah, it's making me sick," Sean said, joking.

Then Mark and Ember locked lips for a short second.

"EW!" Sean yelled, scrambling to his feet and running in the opposite direction.

"Sean," Sparrow said, "You're my cuddle buddy. Come here, ya big doof."

Sean started laughing really hard, while the others joined in with him.

He sat back down with Sparrow and put his arm around her lower back.

All of them ended up falling asleep about three fourths of the way through the movie, and they were happy.

Really, really happy.


But hey, I was rejected (50%) by my crush in the least douchiest way possible.

But yeah, he said he liked me, but he's talking to another girl and he doesn't want to be (and I quote) "the guy that talks to two girls at once and has to break one of their hearts" but I'm pretty content. I mean, he likes me, so that's all good.

But yeah that's basically all I've got to say, and I hope you're having a wonderful day or night, or whatever, wherever you are.

I love you guys! Thank you for being so patient for new chapters. I'm really appreciative of you all.

As always, I will see you guys in the next chapter!


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