Chapter Twenty

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"Come on," Sean said, "I want to show you something cool."

It was a few minutes past midnight, and Mark and Ember had just left.

Sean started walking towards the door.

"We're going outside?" Sparrow asked.

Sean nodded, "Come on."

"Okay," She giggled, taking Sean's outstretched hand after putting on her shoes.

He opened the door, closed it again once they were outside, and they went to the park, hand in hand.

When they arrived there, they went where they went when they first became friends, where he asked her to be his girlfriend about seven months before this night.

This place was very special to the both of them.

"Awe," She said, slapping him playfully on the chest, "You took me here."

"Yes," Sean said, acting a bit strange.

"Are you okay?" Sparrow asked, "Babe?"

"Um, yeah," He said, rubbing his forehead with one of his palms, "Just a bit nervous."


"I've never done what I'm about to do before, and I'm nervous, but I'm going to do it anyways," Sean said.

Sparrow was confused, before she was able to say anything, he cut off her thoughts with his own thoughts out loud.

"You know I love you, right?" Sean asked, to which Sparrow replied with a nod, "And you mean the world to me, and if anything were to happen to you I don't know what I would do. You're everything I want, and you're everything I'll ever want. When I'm without you, I can't stop thinking about you. You're always in my thoughts. And... and... I-I love you so much," Sean stuttered. Sparrow knew where this was going, "But my point is..."

Sean sighed, then looked Sparrow in the eyes and took both of her hands in his, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Sparrow Mayze Carlton. There's only one thing I want to change about you, and that is your last name."

He pulled out a box and opened it, revealing a ring.

Her hands covered her mouth and her eyes began to water up.

She stayed like that for a while, until Sean asked, "Sparrow?"

"Yes," She whispered, "Yes, yes, yes," She said louder that time.

Sean's expression turned from worry to happiness. He put the ring on her finger, then embraced Sparrow.

Her face was against his chest and she had a huge grin on her face, though tears were falling down her face at a fast rate.

Sean held her closely. He too, had tears in his eyes out of sheer happiness.


They left the park soon after that, and went to their home.

When they got there, they changed into what they'd be sleeping in and lay down together.

They cuddled closely until Sean finally broke the silence.

"I'm so happy you said yes," Sean said.

"Why wouldn't I?" Sparrow asked, looking up to kiss Sean's cheek.

"I don't know," Sean said, chuckling a small bit, "I was just worried that you wouldn't."

"I love you," Sparrow said, smiling shyly, "So much."

"I love you," Sean replied, a grin on his face. He kissed her quickly, "Too much."

"How did I get so damn lucky," Sean grinned, inching closer to Sparrow, even though they were already quite close.

"You? Lucky?" Sparrow said, leaning away from him, looking away as well, "I'm a worthless piece of shit. I'm the one that got lucky. Lucky that I met you. Lucky that I dated you. Lucky that I'm engaged to you."

Sean sat up with her and faced across from her. He took both of her hands in his and looked directly into her eyes, "You're beautiful. Trust me. You're one of the main reasons that I want to live. You saved my life, quite literally at that."

She chuckled, a single tear slipping out of her eye, "It's because I love you. You mean everything to me. If you were gone, I-I..." She was cut off by sudden sobs from herself.

She broke down, bringing her forearms up to her face, covering her crying eyes. Sean wrapped his arms around her and he held her like that for a while.

"I love you," Sean said finally, "I love your hair. I love your eyes. I love your quirky, awkward, and lovable personality. I love that cheeky smile of yours and those adorable dimples. I love the fact that you're so stubborn, but you still have so much care for so many people in the world, even though you don't always show it. You don't have to show how much you care, because I know how much you really, really care. You have so much life in you, even in your eyes alone. You're crazy beautiful, and I love your flaws. I love every fucking thing about you, Sparrow."

Then she cried harder. She cried into Sean's chest. Sean had let a few tears out himself. As Sparrow cried, she whispered, "I love you so much."

They stayed like that for what seemed like forever. Sparrow eventually fell asleep in his arms. Sean made it so that she was laying down and covered her under the blankets, and got into the bed as well. He held her again until he, too, fell asleep.

/a/n so this chapter was kinda cute I guess :3 and then it got sad(ish) D:

well um... yeah. sean proposed, yay!


bye i guess

but make sure to punch that vote button in the face like a boss :D

And as always, I shall see you in the next chapter.


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