Chapter Twelve

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"Did you eat today?" Sparrow asked Sean.

They were cuddling in bed at around nine p.m. Neither of them were tired. They just wanted to be together.

"A little bit," Sean said, "I wasn't too hungry."

Sparrow had been moved in completely for about a week. She was happy that she decided to stay.

"You need to eat more, babe," She said. Sean's heart fluttered.

"I know, princess," He said in return, "I'm trying."

"I know you are," She said, laying her head on his chest.

They stayed in silence for a bit, then Sparrow shifted a bit and was facing him. Her stomach was resting on his.

"Hey," She said, poking his nose.

"What?" He said, a smile lighting up his face.

"Let's go somewhere," She said.

"Nah," Sean said, "I'd rather stay here... with you." He wrapped his arms around her.

Then she leaned down and kissed him deeply. He kissed her back.

"You make me so happy," Sean said when they pulled away.

She smiled, then kissed him again.

"I love you so much," She said, putting her head on his shoulder, facing his face and closing her eyes, "I'm so sorry for leaving... it's all my fault."

"I love you more," He smiled, "And it's my fault, not yours. I'm the one that did it. I would've left me, too."

"You needed me, and I left," She said, "It's my fault."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, yes it is," She said.

"Let's just forget about everything," Sean said, "I don't want to think about it."

"Okay," She said, "Forget about what?"

Sean chuckled, then Sparrow kissed his cheek.

She was about to kiss his cheek again, but he turned his head so that she kissed his lips.

"You sneaky bastard," She said, laughing.

He laughed, "I'm so happy you're back."

"I'm happy I'm back too," She said, "I love you."

"I love you too," He replied, "So much."


Sparrow was gone.

She was just... gone.

She wasn't with him. He walked around as far as he could go, to the ends of the earth, but alas, he could not find her.

It was like she'd just... disappeared.

She was nowhere to be found, no matter how much he searched, she was not there.

He became panicked, wondering where she could be.

He had nothing. His world was completely black and white.

There was no color. His sight of color was extremely faded. The only colors he could see were white, grey, and black.

He was lost without her.

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