Chapter Ten

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"I can't do this anymore, Sean!" Sparrow screamed.

Sean and Sparrow had been dating for about a month and a half now, in their worst fight yet, "I can't be with you anymore. I'm sorry."

"You promised..."

"Some promises just have to be broken, okay?!" She said, "I don't love you anymore."

"Wh-What?" Sean asked. His whole world immediately became dimmer in color.

He had been clean from self-harm for the whole of their continued relationship. He had been happy. He wouldn't turn to cutting.

"Please, Sparrow," He said, beginning to cry as she began packing a bag to go to live with Meadow, "Don't leave me..."

She stayed silent as she continued.

"I love you," He said, his voice breaking, "P-Please..."

"Leave me alone," She said coldly, "I don't need you anymore."


It'd been three days after Sparrow moved out.

Sean was lonely. He was hurt. He was depressed.

He didn't want to hurt himself, but he did want to die.

He was at a mix of emotions. He didn't want to get out of bed, but he did want to do something productive.

He didn't want to text Sparrow, but he did want her to come back.

He didn't want talk to anyone, but he didn't want to be alone, either.

He lay in the dark under the covers, his cheeks almost numb from crying so much.

He stayed like that for what seemed like hours until he had to use the bathroom. He left his bed and went to the toilet. When he was washing his hands, he looked up to the cabinet, and as if placed there by someone, there was a clean razor.

He knew he didn't place it there. Curious, he picked up the cold, metal object, and turned it in his hands.

He saw a small reflection of himself, then he looked up to the bathroom mirror and looked at his face in disgust.

"I'm an ugly piece of shit," He said to himself out loud, "No one will miss me if I'm gone."

Then, without looking down at his wrist, he cut himself again. Tears immediately fell out of his eyes as he continued.

He'd cut about five times before using a towel as a tourniquet.

He winced as he pressed against the fresh cuts with the small hand towel, his crying slowing down until he was once again numb.


Sean awoke the next day. His arms were sore. He remembered why.

He sighed and decided to get up today. He unplugged his phone from the charger and left his room with it.

He went to the kitchen and went to the refrigerator. He just grabbed a bottle of water and an apple.

He sat down at the table and took a bite of his apple.

He unlocked his phone and opened Twitter, just mindlessly scrolling through the home page.

Then he locked his phone and stood up. He threw away the apple, though he'd only eaten three bites.

He hadn't eaten a full meal since Sparrow left him. It'd been about five days.

He just wasn't hungry.

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