Chapter Sixteen

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I'm sorry, Sean. I'm not gay. I really don't know what came over me, and I can't think of any other way to apologize. I'm sorry.

It's fine. I did overreact a bit. I should've stayed instead of just leaving you alone. I don't hate you, Mark.

Can you please come over so I can explain things more clearly?

Sure. I'll be there in ten.

"Sparrow?!" Sean yelled.

"What?!" She yelled back.

"I'm going to Mark's!"


He chuckled at their short conversation, grabbed his phone, and left. It took him about five minutes to walk over there, and five more to go up the stairs as the elevator was out of use.

When Sean got to Mark's door, he knocked.

He heard scurried footsteps, and a little bit later, Mark opened the door.

"Hi," Mark said.

Sean walked in the apartment and Mark closed the door, "Let's sit on the couch and talk."

Sean nodded and went over to the couch.

He and Mark sat down.

"First of all, I'm sorry. A million apologies couldn't possibly tell you how sorry I am. I really don't know what came over me... you're my best friend and I don't want to lose that. Our friendship is worth so much to me, and I don't want that to be ruined because of something stupid."

"I completely agree," Sean said, "I'm sorry too, and I accept your apology."

"Also, I have something important to tell you. So, we haven't talked for a few days, and I went to a coffee shop like three days ago. This girl came up to me, cause the place was full to the brim with people, and she asked if she could sit with me. She's the most beautiful girl in the world. We talked a lot and switched numbers, and she's supposed to come over later," Mark smiled.

"That's wonderful, Mark!" Sean grinned, "I'm so happy for you!"

"Her name's Ember. She's so wonderful," He smiled, "I thought you'd be the first to know."

"I'm so happy for you," Sean said.

The two of them hugged, then let go of each other.

"Thank you for coming, Sean," Mark said, "I wanted to set things right."

"Thank you," Sean said back, "But I should get going."

"Okay," Mark said, hugging Sean once more.

"I'll see ya later," Sean said after standing up.

"Bye-bye," Mark said.

When Sean opened the door he almost ran into a girl waiting at the door. She flinched away, "Um..."

"Ember!" Mark yelled from inside the apartment. He stood up and walked to the door, "This is my friend Sean."

Sean awkwardly waved and so did she, "I was just leaving," Sean said.

"Nice to meet you," She said quietly as Sean left. He smiled and said, "You too."


"I'm glad you could make it, Ember!" Mark said happily after he'd said goodbye to Sean.

"I'm glad I could, too," Ember smiled.

Ember had long, straight, dark brown hair, and a thin face, with feminine features. She was at least a few inches shorter than Mark, about 5'6".

She had light, natural makeup on. She was rather thin. She wore black leggings and an oversized red, white, and black flannel that suited her well. She also wore black converse.

"You look wonderful," Mark complimented. Ember blushed in response.

"Thank you," She said, "So... what were you planning on us doing?"

"I was thinking we could go to a movie, maybe?" Mark said.

"Sounds fun," Ember smiled, "Let's go."


They'd gone to see a silly cartoon movie that had made both of them cry, though neither of them would admit to it.

"I can't believe you cried," Ember said jokingly to Mark, even though she had cried as well.

"I did not!" He laughed, "You were the one crying! You're the bubble blowin' baby, not me!"

Ember laughed. They got to Mark's car and he drove back to the apartment building.

When the got into Mark's apartment, they were having a stupid conversation about the movie, until Mark said, "Let me show you around."

His apartment wasn't too big, but he showed her anyways. She appreciated the gesture and was happy they'd met.

"Hey, Mark?" She said when they got back to the main room.

"Yeah?" He turned to look at her.

She leaned forward and closed her eyes until their lips connected.

Mark was surprised that she'd kissed him first. He was planning on making the first move, but she beat him to it.

When he realized his eyes were still open, he slowly closed them and finally kissed back.

She pulled away and smiled up at Mark.

He smiled back.

They kissed again. This time, Mark kissed her.

/a/n wassup, flibbity pibbities.

so mark is feeling happier mafter he met Ember, who's full name will be Ember Chastity Jones, while Sparrow's full name is (sorry for not saying earlier hah) Sparrow Mayze Carlton.

I really like the names, and... um... yeah...

Bye-Bye and all that!

(was too lazy to write my whole outro thingy, sorry)

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