Chapter Nineteen

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*the first few paragraphs may be triggering to some*

"I'm so proud of you, Sean," Sparrow said when they were cuddling in bed at around ten p.m.

Sean just smiled, proud of himself as well.

"I really am though," She looked at him, "You did it."

"I didn't even notice how hungry I was until I actually started eating," Sean said, "I managed to convince myself that I wasn't hungry."

"Yeah," Sparrow smiled, "I know how that is."

"You were anorexic?" Sean asked.

Sparrow nodded, "And you almost were."

"Tell me," Sean said.

"I was sad. I starved myself. When I had to eat, I threw it up. End of story," Sparrow said.

"You can tell me."

"Okay, so you already know some of it, like the main part," Sparrow said, in which Sean responded with a nod, "So... yeah... I didn't want to eat, and I didn't think I was hungry. My mom eventually found out and made me eat, and I just threw it back up later. Whenever I looked in the mirror, I saw an ugly, disgusting, fat person (not saying that overweight people are ugly and disgusting. just saying that she doesn't see herself as beautiful, basically) I didn't want to be overweight, so I kept starving myself, and I did it for a couple months. I was bone thin, but then, when I looked in the mirror, I saw a beautiful, perfectly sized girl. I got put in therapy and eventually got better about a month later, but I didn't want you to go through the same thing, so..."

"Wow, Sparrow," He said, hugging her body close to his, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know..."

"It's fine," Sparrow said, and chuckled, though she was on the verge of tears, "Now stop hugging me or I'm gonna cry."


"Sorry," Sean laughed, loosening his grip a little bit, "Let's stop talking about depressing things."

"Okay," She sighed, "So... what are we doing tomorrow?"

"I kinda want to do nothing," Sean said, "But we should go to some shops. Just have a you and me day. Get some food."

"That sounds fun," She smiled, "Maybe see a movie with Mark his girlfriend? What's her name again?"

Mark had asked Ember to be his girlfriend a few days after they hung out for the first time. They really liked each other, so of course, she obliged to the offer.

"Her name's Ember," Sean said, "And that'd be nice."

"That's right! I'm hoping to become better friends with her," Sparrow said, "Tomorrow will be like a double date!"

"Yeah, I guess so," Sean said happily. He was happy he was getting his life more on track.


"Come on, let's go!" Sparrow called excitedly to Sean who was in the other room. She was going to the front door to put on her shoes.

"Give me a minute!" Sean was laughing from the other room, sprinting out of the other room and wrapping his arms around Sparrow when he reached her, also lifting her up in which her response was a very loud squeal, followed by lots of laughter from the couple.

"Let's go," They both said at the same time, looking at each other, then bursting into more fits of laughter.

They decided to walk, at least to Mark's. It was a nice day.

When they arrived at Mark's apartment, Sean knocked on the door. Mark opened it soon after, "Hey. You ready to go?"

"Yeah," Sean smiled, "Where's Ember?"

"At her house," Mark shrugged, "I thought we could just use my car to pick her up."

"That's fine," Sean said.

"Okay," Mark said, turning around to grab his keys off of the little table by the door.

Mark left his apartment and locked it behind him.

They walked down to Mark's vehicle, picked up Ember, then went to some shops in the middle of town.

They didn't buy much to be perfectly honest. They were just enjoying each other's company.

"Okay, okay," Ember said to Sparrow while laughing, "Why was six afraid of seven?"

"Why?" Sparrow responded.

"Because seven was a six-offender!" Ember said.

"That was shit," Sparrow laughed.

"I know," Ember replied, practically howling with laughter.

"Babe," Mark walked up to Ember, a goofy grin on his face, "That was the worst joke I have ever heard, and Sean tells a lot of bad jokes."

"Hey!" Sean called, "At least I'm not a big smelly!"

"At least I don't suck!" Mark said back, and the two friends were insulting each other.

They eventually found some place to eat, and decided on Chinese food. It was a Chinese buffet.

When they got back to their seats after they get their food, they were unintentionally drawing attention to themselves by their stupid conversations and laughter.

"I'm so happy I met you guys," Sean said as they were calming down a bit more, becoming oh so serious very quickly.

Sparrow put her head on his shoulder as they were in a booth at the restaurant. Sean and Sparrow sat together on one end, whereas Mark and Ember sat on the other side.

"I'm glad I met you guys, too," Mark said, "You've changed my life for the better."

"I'm so happy I got to become good friends with you all, and even get to have the most amazing guy in the world as my boyfriend," Sparrow said, wrapping her arms around Sean.

"Same," Ember said, hugging Mark.

"WOW," Mark basically screamed, making the rest of the group laugh and making a few other people look at them out of annoyance.

"Too lazy to say how much I care about you," Ember said, kissing his cheek.

/a/n I know this chapter sucked really bad but I think the next chapter will make up for it. ;3

Well I hope you guys had a happy holiday season, and I'll see you dudes in the next chapter.


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